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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112715/ I believe though that since it is "Congo Falls" it is not direct reference to the movie.
  2. Let's also include a PTR of the week/month...I'm sure Jackson will be Johnny on the Spot for that!! If you say so.
  3. Of all the ideas thrown around I think that a review page of hot topics and ptrs of other parks is great, and a get to know a member is an awesome idea!
  4. Edit: Get what he's saying now, little misinterpretation.
  5. I think that is the netting on the side of the track.
  6. Jeff Gramke would NEVER ride Diamondback! It has Airtime!
  7. From the top of SoB you can see the entire park, with The Vortex you get a superb view of Rivertown, and this is a stellar view of The Beast! I am phyced to ride Diamondback! Thanks for the pic.
  8. I don't think that is possible, being that the ride will most likely be set up in block sections, from the station to the Lift, MCBS, then brake run at the end. The train will have just left the Mid Course Brake Section as the other trains flies down the second drop, which is probably a good 10 seconds from the end of the lift. Being as there is no blocks in between the lift and MCBS, it would be dangerous. By the time the train flies down the second drop the other train will probably be in the second helix already. Maybe They could also use the Trim halfway up the 5th hill as a block, in which case it might be possible to get them to meet at that point, but I do not know if you can use a trim as a block.
  9. I have taken constructive criticism in a very poor way....
  10. I bumped this only because I think it is funny to look back and see what they said, I never ment to come across as saying they were stupid, and if it came off that way sorry. I realize that making remarks on the posts was stupid, I know they were very logical and smart back then. And since that topic how many bad posts have I made like this one? Are you just dieing anxious to pounce on a bad post? Are you itching to make me look bad? Cause seriously I've put in an effort and sometimes people slip up, do you expect a major change in just 4 days?
  11. Can we at least go up in the Eiffel Tower on the 31st? I want to see this Mighty Behemoth from above! But for now, I will have to settle for Standbyme's fantastic stitch togethers! Excellent!
  12. KIBest or whatever his name is posted a lot, disappeared, then re-appeared to say he has a baby boy.
  13. EPIC BUMP! Lol I love looking at all these old topics. Let's Go to the highlights, shall we? Really? Well I hope you didn't have any money on that! Well PKI did sell. And they did retheme the rides. And it was done in one offseason. If CF bought PP it would SUCK? How? Umm, maybe shoot high? When is SOB a fun ride? And this was BEFORE it had new trains! OMG he was right with the first sentence! The last two sentences, though, uh huh. hmmm,,,,,,,1.24B for all of the parks? Good guess BoddaH
  14. See Angie? Another reason to love Kings Island. No spiders or bugs! There are cicadas on some occasions though, and like you can't stand spiders, I HATE cicadas!
  15. We all know how much Angie LOVES Spiders!
  16. Ha ha ha, very nice. I wonder what Terpy will have to say when he sees it, certainly not anything negative.....
  17. I am so excited! I can't wait to see everyone there, not to mention being able to walk through KI again!
  18. While I may only have 44 coasters under my belt, I must agree that Millennium Force's first drop is breath taking in a way few to no other coasters can match. Certainly my favorite out all that Ive riden, from TTD to Maverick to Tennessee Tornado or even Kentucky Rumbler!
  19. Ah hah hah hah. Very, very nice. Although, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a hat! Look forward to seeing more from you!
  20. Jeff Gramke can agree with a smile on his face!
  21. I think the one with me you talked about would have been funnier. Very funny doodle anywho!
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