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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. From the SFOG, SFKK calandars up topic on this board: I found this on TPR......Jay why did you have to go?
  2. It looks like trains will be here soon. I can't wait to see them!
  3. Were not supposed to get out of the 20s on certain days next week! Everyone, hold on to your crappies!
  4. Very Nice Stitch Together, looks amazing! I can't wait to see it up close and personal on the 31st!
  5. Bah, Humbug! It's got forces enough to hurt my face for the rest of the day!
  6. Why wouldn't it open as Six Flags? I don't see them selling off any properties between now and April. They're not in that bad of a situation, are they?
  7. He can find another acronym for everything. Terpy, what's another one for MF besides Millennium Force?
  8. Okey dokey, we've all posted our favorite supports, now, our favorite piece of track! Mine's the lift hill crown. BIG WOLER KOSTER!
  9. OMG That is my 2nd favorite! But don't forget the second support after the splashdown, or the first drop support! What about Batman, the Dark Can? Or Great American Garbage Machine? Jackson, who could get used to these puns.......
  10. When did we get to describing our favorite supports? Mine is number 226, right after the desent into the first helix......
  11. You know you're a roller coaster addict when you have a favorite support......
  12. I am an ACE member, but for the time being I pay for events only, of which I only attend about 2 a year. It is likely that once I start paying for membership that I will not renew, simply because I do not think it is worth the 60 bucks a year for old news and a handfull of events.
  13. That is too by far my fav pic, let's just say I can't blame Don for expanding his vocabulary for that!
  14. April, 1972: April, 2009: Thank you Don for sending the pic and Ryan for posting it! What an Amazing Difference!
  15. Are you refering to the last picture and caption to this post? http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/fun/blog/...5d-f68c3fbfd156
  16. Because, I believe that, if it rises, and eventually falls, it is considered a hill. As opposed to rising and not falling, or falling and not rising, etc, etc,
  17. I just sat normally and besides the tiny bugs nailing my arms it was an amazing ride! There's a certain way to ride Maggie?
  18. It's hard to tell but from that pic you can see that the rise up to the fifth hill and fifth drop are complete with only the crown left, and after that two simple helixes.
  19. They will retrack (Or sorta) their railings and supports and whatnot.
  20. Here you go House: Cedar Fair announces Cap Ex for 2009 season. http://www.cedarfair.com/ir/press_releases...mp;story_id=184 Hope that helps! Thanks, so it looks like Cedar Point is not getting any new rides. That's a bit disapointing I go there every summer for 2-3 days. Actually CP is retracking some of it's woodies like MS, BS, Gemini, and CCMR
  21. ^Who's to say Diamondback won't have more air then Voyage? Jackson, anxious for sun-up, when we can talk about things related to the topic title.
  22. You need to see it up close, SoB sits in a valley and looks very small, plus you don't get very close to it.
  23. I believe those pics have been posted in this topic before.....if I could just find them......
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