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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. $35 Million? Diamondback is only $22 Million, and that's just one coaster!
  2. They'll advertise the fact that for the most part it's a pretty standard B&M Hyper, but won't broadcast that? Hmm....
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't Diamondback make Kings Island the park with the most coasters over a mile long? Beast SoB and D-Back?
  4. Well those don't count IMO. Water Ride Splashes are almost necessary, and almost every park has a water ride.
  5. Second Helix Status for those to lazy to go to http://www.kiDiamondback.com/public/downloads/webcam.cfm : And I thought this was just to amazing for words:
  6. Don said several times that they wanted most all of the trackwork done by about new years.
  7. It's Sunday and they are installing supports for the second helix. Epic Kudos to Adena!
  8. Ohh and BTW there's a flatbed and a crane by the second helix area.
  9. So when do trains usually appear on site with rides like these?
  10. Ka BONG! 3 and a half years!
  11. http://www.coasterimage.com/geauga-lake-video/ I remember visiting the park in July last year. It is very, very sad to see this great park dissolve. Curse you Six Flags and your "We Build It They Come" Motto!!!!!
  12. It sold out yesterday morning, and with all the time it takes to orginize one of these events I doubt they'll have another this year. On the bright side though, I can't wait to not only visit Kings Island again, but to do a behind the scenes tour on a B&M Hyper Coaster and see an amusement park when it's closed during Winter Rehab! KICentral is spoiling me.
  13. 1.Captain Nemo 2.Boddah1994 3.gigacoaster2k 4.Gordon Bombay 5.Mr. 3000 6.-8.beastfan26 +2 9.flightoffear4thtrain 10.Raptor66 11.CoastersRZ 12-13.violakat03 (+husband) 14.cincyboy79 15.-.17Brian5475E +3 19.Cory Butcher 20.coasterguy15 21.-23.iChase (+mom)(+friend) 24.Beast man 25.-26.Beast1979 and the famous Trooper Mom 27.IBEW_Sparky 28.KIFan73 29.pkiboy 30.windshawne 31-32.keiko_coaster and 1 friend 33.PhantomTheater 34.Rollercoast19 35.Dropthegloves97 36.-37.touchdown62 and 1 friend 38.-39.Ogrmac + 1 40.XGatorHead 8904 41.adventure2007 42-43.Kawana & Elina 44.standbyme 45.Avatar 46-48.G-Force and 2 friends 49.coasterguy15 50 + 51.AgentSoB and GF
  14. Nearly 50 of the 75 people recorded here!
  15. 1. Captain Nemo 2. Boddah1994 3. gigacoaster2k 4. Gordon Bombay 5. Mr. 3000 6. beastfan26 7. flightoffear4thtrain 8. Raptor66 9. CoastersRZ 10. violakat03 11. cincyboy79 12.-15. Brian5475E +3 16. Cory Butcher 17. coasterguy15 18.-20. iChase (+mom)(+friend) 21. Beast man 22. & 23. Beast1979 and the famous Trooper Mom 24. IBEW_Sparky 25. KIFan73 26. pkiboy 27. windshawne 28 & 29. keiko_coaster and Friend 29. PhantomTheater 30. Rollercoast19 31. Dropthegloves97 32. & 33. touchdown62 and 1 friend 34. & 35. Ogrmac + 1 36. XGatorHead 8904 37. adventure2007 38. & 39. Kawana & Elina 40. standbyme 41. Avatar 42 (+43 and 44) G-Force and 2 friends 43. coasterguy15
  16. 1. Captain Nemo 2. Boddah1994 3. gigacoaster2k 4. Gordon Bombay 5. Mr. 3000 6. beastfan26 7. flightoffear4thtrain 8. Raptor66 9. CoastersRZ 10. violakat03 11. cincyboy79 12.-15. Brian5475E +3 16. Cory Butcher 17. coasterguy15 18.-20. iChase (+mom)(+friend) 21. Beast man 22. & 23. Beast1979 and the famous Trooper Mom 24. IBEW_Sparky 25. KIFan73 26. pkiboy 27. windshawne 28 & 29. keiko_coaster and Friend 29. PhantomTheater 30. Rollercoast19 31. Dropthegloves97 32. & 33. touchdown62 and 1 friend 34. & 35. Ogrmac + 1 36. XGatorHead 8904 37. adventure2007 38. & 39. Kawana & Elina 40. standbyme 41. Avatar 42 (+43 and 44) G-Force and 2 friends
  17. Look forward to seeing a lot of you guys again!
  18. Captain Nemo Boddah1994 gigacoaster2k Gordon Bombay Mr. 3000 beastfan26 flightoffear4thtrain Raptor66 CoastersRZ violakat03 cincyboy79 Brian5475E +3 Mabye skaterboy22101 Cory Butcher coasterguy15 iChase (+mom)(+friend) Beast man Beast1979 and the famous Trooper Mom IBEW_Sparky KIFan73 pkiboy windshawne keiko_coaster PhantomTheater Rollercoast19 Dropthegloves97 touchdown62 and 1 friend Ogrmac + 1 XGatorHead 8904 adventure2007
  19. I don't see why people are saying Titan and not Goliath. Aren't the two clones?
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