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Kings Island :) But more than that....roller coasters! Music! I love Bob Marley,Sublime,Dispatch, Pepper...anything that reminds me of summer and makes me feel good! I love camping,swimming,football,soccer...basically anything that puts me outdoors on a nice sunny day.
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KIC Junky (3/13)
Sorry for the double post...but I just have to say I can't wait for this summer because I'm DEFINITELY going to ride Wildcat this time! I've only been to CP three times and for some reason I've never ridden it. My brother tells me it's fantastic!
I'm glad you had fun at CP your first time!! I wish you would've gotten a chance to ride Demon Drop, that was so much fun. And Chaos...which a lot of people don't like, but i personally loved it! Next time you go if you're feeling better you should check out more of their flats. Matterhorn is a blast, the Giant Wheel offers some great views of the park, and you have to try the "shoot up" side of Power Tower! Their train ride is a lot of fun too, they have really cool theming and have some extras set up back there during HH! I wish you would have tried the Happy Jack's toy factory haunt...I went a couple of years ago and got the crap scared outta me Their version of Massacre Manor is also really cool..I can't remember what the actual name of it is! Thanks for writing that TR, it made me excited for my CP trip this summer!!
Dinosaurs Alive! is coming to Kings Island in 2011
Ashers replied to CoastersRZ's topic in Kings Island Central Newsroom
I wish you could 'like' posts on here....teenageninja and dr_humor, very well said! Some people need to step outside of their own little worlds that they live in and realize that not everything in life is catered specifically towards THEM. There are other people out there that want all different kinds of things than you do from an amusement park, and I think KI is doing a fantastic job trying to give EVERYONE something to do when they go.(if that made any sense at all lol) -
Dinosaurs Alive! is coming to Kings Island in 2011
Ashers replied to CoastersRZ's topic in Kings Island Central Newsroom
Some of these posts are giving me a headache. I'm really not sure what people are complaining about. A week ago we didn't even know we were getting ANYTHING in addition to WindSeeker. People haven't even been through the Dinos Alive exhibit yet and already say it's not thrilling/it sucks/boo hoo I wan't my mommy,etc. Okay so look at it this way. It's not like KI took anything out to build this exhibit. Granted, ToT's fate is unknown, but let's say if they ripped The Racer out or something to put this in then yes, I would expect the angriness to ensue. But as far as we know, they are using space that was previously undeveloped, so you're not getting anything taken away. And I have to say it once again that you're not going to be FORCED to go through this. I am just so stumped as to why people are even COMPLAINING at all. If you don't wanna do it, walk on by the entrance and continue on your merry way. Kings Island is still going to have all of the same rides and attractions as last year. You still have all of the same coasters as you did LAST YEAR. So for these people that have gone to KI every year prior to this, why are they all of a sudden saying they're not going to go this year? Cedar Point is getting the exact same new addition as KI is. What's the problem? Like somebody said earlier, you could probably hand out free money at the gate and people would complain. As for the griping about the upcharge, is it really that big of a deal? I am by NO means rich and I will still spare the $5 bucks to go through this attraction. As for families that say it will be SO expensive, cut out the food and drinks at the park and pack a lunch or eat outside the park. Drink water all day. That should save some money right there. I really don't see this as 'nickel and diming' everyone. There are several other amusement parks out there that charge much more for parking, food, drinks, separate fees to get into the waterpark, or even $1 lockers at the entrance to every major roller coaster that they force you to pay for if you have so much as a CUP with you. It could be much worse! And for all of the 'thrillseekers' complaining out there, maybe this Dino exhibit will keep people out of the lines for the coasters. I guess I'll go drink my kool-aid now and turn on the fan, girl. -
How do you know if it's an amazing attraction or not? You haven't been through it. I meant thrilling actually. Guys, I don't want to be called a hypocrite (which I was called earlier) but it's not the actual $5 that bothers me. It's the fact that they made such a big deal out of it. I didn't think it would be a ride; no, I did not. Based on your guys' opinions and inferring, I had a gut feeling it wouldn't be. I just don't get why this would cost money. I just don't. Again, how do you know if this is a thrilling attraction if you've never been through it? Why wouldn't you think they would charge for this? I'm guessing it's to keep up with the maintenance costs. If they didn't charge for it, there would be a bunch of unattended kids and idiots running through there, bouncing basketballs, etc. Maybe the upcharge will keep the riff raff out. And....if they didn't charge for it, and didn't keep up with the maintenance and let the theming go to crap, then everyone would complain about that too. And who exactly made a big deal about it? The job of the PR dept at any amusement park is not to say....wow this might get people's hopes up thinking this is a 300 foot tall coaster or sob rehab or some other THRILLING attraction....well guys...let's just not even bother advertising for it, because the facebookers might be disappointed. No, their job is to get the word out there on any new attractions to draw people into the park and make money. And so what...they put some teaser vids on the page, posted some pictures, let us speculate for a WEEK. Do you know how long the DB speculation went on? Almost 2 years. How is a week of making us guess OVER-HYPING something? If anything it gave all of us something fun to do for a week to pass the time in the off season.
How do you know if it's an amazing attraction or not? You haven't been through it.
I think this is gonna be pretty sweet!! I'm really excited to see what this whole thing has to offer! Now, why is everyone freakin' complaining about the $5 upcharge?! Nobody is forcing you to go in it. If you can't spare the money, don't go through it. And if you have kids that want to go through it, like someone else said, use it as a reward system for doing chores/getting good grades,etc. I can't believe the people that say they should add $3 to the price of every ticket!! What kind of logic is that? Why charge everyone for it if some people don't even want to experience the attraction. What if they just decided to add $5 to the price of parking to cover this. Then everyone would whine about that. Why is it that Xtreme Skyfler and Slingshot are "deals" when they're at $5 instead of $20 but $5 is too much to go through a 4,000 foot long dinosaur animatronics attraction? Seriously, if you don't want to go through it, don't. If you can't afford it, nobody is forcing you to pay for it. You're still gonna have all the same rides and attractions(possibly, unless they get rid of ToT) as last year, and it's not something the park is FORCING you to participate in. Everybody complains and whines all the time how CF sucks at theming and we need more family attractions. Well here ya go, you got it. I for one am excited and can't wait to check it out! I've never been through anything like this before!
I think they're being sarcastic. *sigh*
I'm surprised they can't just read the instructions on the front.... Oh well, most people don't. You'd be surprised at the amount of people in the general public who can't follow simple instructions, let alone read them. I work as a massage therapist and I have a little spiel(like the ride ops at ki!) of how to get on the table, what to do with the robe..etc. You wouldn't even believe what some people gather from my simple instructions. Start face up in between the sheets blah blah blah. I come in and they are still in the robe on top of the sheets upside down and face down. I kid you not. Working in the service industry is a wonderful place to experience looooots of different people, that's for sure. LOL!
I was just imagining a teaser picture.....maybe zoomed in on a toilet seat or a sink. Everyone would start freaking out. ZOMG is that a splashdown for a new B&M dive coaster that's 800 feet tall?!? Oh and as for the driers.....I can't even count how many times I've seen people just blankly stare at them because they can't figure out how to work the Dyson ones. It's pretty hilarious!
holy freakin crap batman! Do you want me to post the picture I have of Don standing right outside my car talking to the guy from the enquirer with a recorder in his hand in front of the dinosaur?! When you get a little older kid check into some pr/marketing/journalism classes. Any good PR person gives little breadcrumbs to create speculation. its called creating a "buzz", which personally, looking at this thread alone, they've done a darned good job of! I know you're new here and all so let me clue you into a few things. Se those little stats on the right over there <<< that shows the date joined, and the amount of posts and what not. normally (not all the time) the ones that have been around the block tend to know a thing or 2. not to mention I think I can safely say that half of the active posters/"old foagies" have worked for the park/amusement park industry at one point in time, and quite a few of those have learned how this crap works. Pull your head out of your butt and be willing to at least LISTEN to what other people have to say. That is how you will learn. That is how you will make friends. Throwing out stupid asinine comments that you think everyone should take as holier than thou truth, just makes you look stupid and people will never listen to what you have to say... ever.... (i'm apologizing for this ahead of time) but just as beast 1979. He used to just be "some kid" around here, until he took the time to listen to others and have a legit thought out debate with people. not just through their stuff out there, and make every one take it. Honestly the whole dino walk through thing has come about because EVERYONE listened to EVERYONE ELSE and people started taking bits and pieces of what EVERYONE was saying to come up with what WE ALL thought was the most natural outcome. no one has said "yess 100% this is what it will be" its all speculation.... */end rant* LOL i <3 you wooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! dam shoulda given them my forum name huh >.< hahaha i was looking for the video (which shows Don by his car after talking to said media when I was there) as it brought out a lot of the same points. It won't be ready for opening day, but will be ready in the spring. and this goes back to KevinL, the media most of the times does have a heads up from the park itself. Perfect example, when Urgent Scare was first introduced. a week before they had their media night to announce it, they sent a bag of "blood" along with the reporters "medical records" to the stations. Google it, I'm sure the videos are still out there. They knew before even the mods here knew! and guess what... more speculation, more buzz, more thinking and talking back and forth, and it was pretty much agreed that it was most likely some sort of doctor/hospital/medical theme. and tada... guess what it was.... Oh and Kyle I did love that! And for the noobs who don't know... hi. I'm rachel *waves* the one in the article if anyone wants to question more credentials... Oh Rachey Rach! How I've missed those rants of yours! But seriously, you do bring up some valid points. And I do believe Jackson aka Beast1979 did try to give some advice earlier in this thread on how to behave because he's been there done that, but I don't think anybody listened to him! I think that's awesome that you got to be there for that, though! At least tomorrow at 2pm it will all be announced so random n00bs can stop chiming in 900 posts in saying COULD THIS BE SOB?!?!!111/////// I for one think the park has done a GREAT job generating buzz, speculation, etc etc. And I really hope they keep it up when it comes to future announcements for anything! Hmm....could you imagine if they threw these types of hints out even if they were just building a new restroom...lol! Oh the teaser pics would be phenomenal! Is it April yet?
Hmm...those news articles people are posting have me intrigued. I'm just wondering how they got the info that this IS in fact a dinosaur walk-through when the announcement hasn't even been made yet. Also, I'm wondering where they get the fact that this is "the biggest attraction of its kind". I wonder if they got that from listening to the teaser video? Because if so, all he says is the 'world's largest' something something bleep bleep. He may not even be referencing the new attraction at all, since it's all out of context. He could be talking about the t-rex in the parking lot for all we know! The only other thing I can think of is he might have conducted an interview for the press already that we don't know about and if so this post isn't even valid! I just can't wait til tomorrow!
I'm just grateful that we're getting a spruced up/repaved Coney Mall and WindSeeker(which I am so excited/nervous) to ride! Anything else is just bonus for me. I think all of the complainers out there need to go read a book called The American Roller Coaster by Scott Rutherford. Gives you not only beautiful photography of some AMAZING coasters, but really makes you think and puts things into perspective. So many amusement parks were built, had their glory days, and were gone at the drop of a hat. Some were replaced by generic strip malls or even parking lots! And I'm not even talking about 'rinky dink' parks here...take Chicago's Riverview Park....ran strong for 64 years, and some of the best(reportedly) roller coasters around! And one day they just shut their doors, and so many people did not expect it. Basically the point I'm trying to make here is cherish what you have, for it may or may not be gone tomorrow! I feel so incredibly lucky to have KI as my home park, and I try to remember that every time I visit. So who really cares if this 'thing' to be announced on Friday is a B&M invert, a revamp of SOB, a dino walk-through, or the world's biggest ball of twine? Be happy. KI is an amazing park, and we're lucky to have it!
Windseeker & Coney Mall Construction Continues
Ashers replied to BoddaH1994's topic in Kings Island Central Newsroom
Well ain't you smart er sumpin?! Just kidding...you did call it! Now please predict an Intamin terracoaster for next year! -
I just saw that you still have my quote in your sig.....haha that was a funny convo we had that day! =)