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Everything posted by silver2005

  1. ^Part of it is also to avoid or get the tail end of mayfly season. I got a cut across my forehead from hitting one at 120 mph on Dragster during my last visit. Also hoping for just enough wind to keep TTD open and a bit of rain beforehand so I can attempt a roll back ride.
  2. Just out of curiosity, I just realized we can attach photos to posts now. Is that okay to do or do you guys still encourage use of 3rd party sites like Photobucket?
  3. We're playing that in the West Side Community Band at our concert this Sunday as part of a Jersey Boys medley. I get a solo matching the first verse, which, I get to play around with the melody a bit (aka ad lib).
  4. Beast being open for Winterfest would help fulfill one of my lifetime goals on Beast- a snow ride.
  5. Something tells me I'll be eating a meal along I-Street this season with one reason being to document and list all the music in this new soundtrack.
  6. I like Beast better than any GCI I've ridden and I have my reasons. I like the out of the box design that Beast has as well as the old school design traits such as the more abrupt banking transitions, the lack thereof of banking angles which have better laterals which are sustained longer (even minus the helix), and I like the design aspects towards big moments with great build up. Of the 3 GCI's I've ridden that were designed originally with Millennium Flyers (all of which I prefer over Wildcat with MF's), Mystic Timbers is just below Thunderhead and Lightning Racer. I prefer GCI's with a twister layout because its more difficult to see the layout and thus makes them more unpredictable. All those crossovers and wooden beams flying by just make the GCI package complete to me. Thunderhead is my favorite GCI as I feel it outpaces and is more aggressive than LR by just a tad plus its more integrated into the hillside and terrain, though its a very, very small margin of error as LR makes up for it with the dueling/racing aspect. Legend remains my favorite woodie thus far due to the right mixture of pacing, length, airtime, laterals, and a bang bang ending with the work GCI did in redesigning the last few hills.
  7. I think all rides that had bins kept them, even Diamondback.
  8. With the exceptions, I'll edit my statement in saying that 90% of GCI's age well (mostly newer ones, ones designed primarily with the Flyers, ones not in harsh environments, ones that may be in parks that have lax woodie maintenance). With KI's history with wooden coasters (sans SOB), I'm not the least bit worried.
  9. There's only one spot I would agree with that with- the final hill up to the brakes. I was way, way up against the lap bar as it leveled off and made that turn in combination. My only ride was just in front of the middle of the train (row 4 I think on the right), but that one spot was easily the point where it had the strongest negative g's.
  10. Additionally, the restraints on Drop Tower are new.
  11. Apocalypse is also out in the middle of a desert and has much harsher elements to deal with. Lightning Racer, Thunderhead and Wildcat were still good when I rode them nearly a decade after the respective ride was built IMO.
  12. From my experience, GCIs age rather well. It will develop some bite in time, but the comfort level shouldn't falter too much. To those who have ridden this as your first GCI and loved it- the power of GCI compells you.
  13. While Mystic Timbers is a fantastic ride, in my opinion, I still prefer Thunderhead and Lightning Racer. For me, GCI's perform better when they are more of a twister layout. The out of control feeling just gets amped up when you have all those crossovers plus LR has the racing/dueling aspect.
  14. Hersheypark would like a word with the LA Times.
  15. I was very impressed by how they handled the long line for Timbers. They walked everyone back in a very organized way, and I particularly appreciated how they kept the different queue extensions separated in a way that allowed the Rivertown midway to be unimpeded. I imagine they'll use the same system for opening day.
  16. Goble will be delighted to know that the spinning wheel games are now entirely front of the line tickets.
  17. My Mr T Review I think the nickname is fairly appropriate for the ride. For those GP that say it's not up to snuff because of the stats, it pities the fool. Its a fantastic ride from start to finish. The pre-lift is a decent build up, the ride paces very well, there's airtime everywhere including on elevated turns where you wouldn't think there'd be air, laterals were decent, the s-curve into the tunnel is everything I'd hoped, and the trick track into the jump up to the brakes and making that subtle banking turn is a great way to cap things off. It's soooo great having the best wooden coaster trains conceived by man in the park. This is easily a top 5 woodie for me. Shed Spoilers
  18. ^That kind of displays another great part of Millennium Flyers- while there is a difference between the back and the front, there's more consistency between the seats than any other wooden train.
  19. The good news is the slight risk for rain today and Saturday has disappeared from the forecast, but Sunday is still looking mighty wet.
  20. I think JJ might be the only Premier spaghetti bowl model to have this occur so often (others including the FoF twins, SFFT's Poltergeist, and Crazy Cobra at Discoveryland in China).
  21. Just out of curiosity, can you make out what's going on in the shed from the queue/station? Or is it more well concealed? silver2005, who will be bringing his headphones with his phone on Friday. I also love the way the train looks approaching the station. It looks like its meandering through an old saw mill town.
  22. If the rain on Sunday could be on par with the epic Haunt meet up of 2014, that'd be great.
  23. Yeah, I'm definitely getting a back seat ride on this over the weekend.
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