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Everything posted by silver2005

  1. I would like to share some first hand experiences I had as I got on WindSeeker the night it opened. It probably opened at about 7 pm as that's when the call went out around the park and the ride operators relayed it to guests. I was in line for Dragster at the time, so the line was extending past Wicked Twister at by the time I got around to it. I had about a 1.5 hour wait, plus a breakdown, but all they did was run a cycle without riders. Don't know what it was, but it got back up and running none-the-less. The lights look excellent at night, though they kind of get trippy if you look at them for too long. Its almost mesmerizing when you're that close to the lights. I don't know if the other 3 will have this, but CP does have a speaker with music playing attached to the ride carriage, which actually works rather well. As for the ride itself, its rather enjoyable. Its comparable to Zephyr or a typical swings ride in terms of the forces you feel. With Cedar Point's, its great being seemingly swung over the lake, which is a much improved view in the day. I felt that the thrill comes from the actual altitude as well as being hoisted up there so quickly. Its kind of a weird feeling looking down, plus its nice having nothing but a lapbar, making for a bit of a feeling of a lack of ride car, also kind of neat at 300 ft. As for re-ride-ability, I probably wouldn't wait for it unless it looked short, kind of like Crypt. Even if the queue switchbacks are full, it does chew through lines pretty well for what it is. Watching it in action kind of helps pass the time. All in all, I'm really glad Cedar Fair went with adding them.
  2. There are apparently grey pieces at the plant in Batavia that are alleged to be for Thorpe Park's B&M wing walker (similar to Raptor at Gardaland), and I do recall Krake (the new dive machine at Heide Park) was made in Batavia as well. Heck, Hair Raiser (that yellow B&M floorless at Ocean Park in Hong Kong) was made there as well.
  3. Its probably going to Parc Asterix as they are getting a B&M invert of that color for 2012. http://www.potionmagix.fr/forumix/nouvelle-zone-attraction-2012-parc-asterix-t1271-500.html http://screamscape.com/html/parc_asterix.htm
  4. I found this picture as I was looking up old Coney Island photos. link-http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l5u8xrdV391qcht8qo1_500.jpg
  5. With the swing angle set at 45 degrees, are there hydraulics on the arms to control that or is it pure centrifugal force? I ask because any swinging angle too much above 0 will come awfully close to the queue and railings. If not, I imagine it won't start spinning until its risen a bit and then stop spinning before that point upon descending.
  6. First off, I'd just like to say hello to you guys. I've been a 'stalker' for a little while now, but I'm now trying to get myself to post and stuff. Anyways, as much as there are flaws in the map, I think its just nice to see Kings Island getting a lot of the treatment other Cedar Fair parks get when it comes to maps and such. Stuff like changing the Kings Island logo, the new website look and now the map has made the transition from the Paramount days all but final now. I for one like this above the previous map. The ride drawings look a little more accurate to me, minus the over-sized hills, lack of Invertigo loop, etc. (stuff you guys covered already), and it lets the paths look easier to navigate with the rides more spread out on the drawing. My only thing is that the shows/shops are tiny on the map and even when they get numbered and such, it might be hard to discern what is what.
  7. I heard the blue track will be for an inverted coaster to be placed at Parc Asterix. http://screamscape.c...arc_asterix.htm http://www.coastersw...ge=news&id=1258 Krake's track is going to be black. They've already started vertical construction. http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=56511&start=80
  8. I think what happened in the animation is that they used Google Maps for the actual terrain and placed Racer and Vortex on top of those spots and expected the rest to be correct, which it probably isn't. That might explain why no other rides appear on the animation, just the ones in close proximity to Wind Seeker. Judging by the fact its in Coney Mall, the only logical spot would be to put it in Flight Commander's old spot. I for one think this is a great addition for Kings Island. I've always wanted something to take up that spot in the form of a flat, and this fits the bill perfectly (almost too perfectly as its almost the same type ride as Flight Commander, just 4x higher). I figure a lot of people agree with me in that its a good addition, but it still burns me up to see how its already getting ripped by people on other forums, paticularly general forums outside KIC such as Facebook. Its almost like all anyone wants anymore is a roller coaster, especially now that people realize Kings Island is affiliated with Cedar Point (which used to be quite the opposite, I remember people complaining about it when we added Diamondback that we were becoming too much like Cedar Point). For those wanting a coaster, it'd be a crazy notion for any park to add 3 coasters in 5 years (including Firehawk even though its a relocated ride). Six Flags tried it, and look how that turned out financially for them. I think we realize Cedar Fair is smarter than that, and considering the economy, these additions make sense. I was a little dissapointed Cedar Point recieved one as well, being close to both Kings Island and Canada's Wonderland. I almost suspect that 2012 will be the year Cedar Fair adds a coaster for a few parks, knowing that Six Flags has plans for 2011 for their 50th anniversery, and perhaps 2012 will be Cedar Fair's response to that. As crazy as it may sound from some view points, I wouldn't rule that notion out completely.
  9. I don't think in any way you can blame weather. Most of the companies that know they have a shot designing something for Cedar Point will learn to cope with it. Last I checked, Mantis and Raptor opened without a hitch, and aside from a few incidents of Raptor valleying, they're relatively unphased by downtime. Magnum opened on time and was a huge leap from former coaster designs. Intamin and Cedar Point should have learned to adapt on the 5th ride in.
  10. Could Cedar Fair file a lawsuit on Viacom for inheriting Son of Beast in the first place? Even if you couldn't, at least have Viacom pay for whatever CF wants to do with it, whether it'd be to refurbish it with retracking and new trains, or to destroy it. One could also question the expertice of inspectors from the Ohio Department of Agriculture for saying it was safe to operate, and now has been proven otherwise. I honestly think even the most seasoned enthusiast with knowledge of Son of Beast's flaws won't go near it.
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