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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. After noticing how well park maps sold on EBAY a few years ago..I started grabbing handfuls of them everytime I went. I will wait 15-20 years and will start selling the bejeezus out of them on EBAY myself. I have seen some 72-77 brochures sell for upwards of over $30.
  2. I have the 1979 brochure for the first year of The Beast..if I can dig it up I will post it.
  3. loan..egads no...I am paying cash from my company stocks at work.
  4. I am currently looking for a job in the Orlando/Kissimmee area...and we have a bid in on a really nice house 14 minutes from Disney. It's a buyers market and there are some nice homes for sale cheap.
  5. You got me wanting to go back sooooo BAD!
  6. Ugh. I hate to think about it. I enjoy the few songs they play, very suiting to the atmosphere, but really, we could use a little more music. Summer in the City, Dead Mans Curve, Surf City, Barbara Ann, ..and whatever Bah Bah Dip di dip dip dip ... of course I love "In The Summertime" by Mungo Jerry..if only Boomerang Bay sold jugs of Boones Farm!
  7. What is the status of Bay Lake Tower near the Contemporary? They had broke ground on it when we were down. We received something on it through Disney Vacation Club ad it looks fabulous. It has spectacular up close views of the Magic Kingdom from your hotel window.
  8. I would hope we do not see that at Kings Island anytime soon. or the people who refer to Extreme Sky FLyer as the "bungee cord ride"...also..the guy retrieving the hat is a MORON!
  9. Aerosmith Rock and Roll Rollercoaster is awesome! I looove Tower of Terror. We actually got stuck in that one with the lights out for about 30 minutes...that was kindy creepy. To bad you missed 50's Prime Time Cafe...that is always fun...just don't order anything off the menu that comes with greens!!
  10. I wish they would mix it up more at Boomerrang Bay...the same 6-7 songs..over and over ...all day
  11. I'll never forget the Robbie Knievel jump..because that was the last day I ever saw my good friend Ken "Mr K" Glidewell alive. He died two days later from a motorcycle wreck on Memorial Day. He was the producer of the last Dallas Moore album..and they played live prior to the jump.
  12. We stayed at All Star Movies..I loved that pool. After checking prices though we realized we could have stayed at Carribean for only about $600 more. We are going back Dec 2009. I have even checked into a welding job there ..and we are considering moving down there. I love Disney..no place like it on earth..they really know how to treat people.
  13. I was there when they were shooting a movie with Molly Ringwald in it.
  14. Gator..maids arrange the characters for you in the windows if you leave them tips...lol
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