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  1. One guess I had was that the existing foundation, at the Flight Commander pad, was insufficient for WindSeeker and it's removal was either more difficult and/or more costly than just moving it farther down the mall. This is just a guess though.
  2. WLW tower in Mason is currently 736 feet and its just as close to the nearest airport as Kings Island. (For whatever that is worth) I happen to be a student pilot right now and I can tell you that there is no problem with Kings Island being too close to an airport. The closest airport to KI is Lebanon-Warren County Airport and that's about 8 nautical miles away, more than enough clearance for even a 1000 foot structure. I'll end by saying that I have no idea who would even regulate such a rule, if it were to exist.
  3. Too bad we can't buy an old paver for charity. I'd pay $100 for one.
  4. The email said that 5 pieces had arrived thus far, and that the final 3 pieces would be arriving later in the week.
  5. I just got an email from KI saying that the last 3 pieces are en route and will be delivered this week.
  6. I'd bet that they are for Kings Island. If you look up directions (on google maps) from Norfolk to Kings Island one of the routes goes through Pataskala via I-70 West. None of the prospective routes to Cedar Point go through that area. Just my two cents. If those trucks are headed to KI, they should be pulling in shortly.
  7. I think the park likes having Timberwolf. Although it doesn't host major concerts anymore, it gives them the flexibility (and venue) to have events that boost attendance (and revenue) at the park. (Cheerleading Weekend, SpiritSong, ETC)
  8. The path that they are drawing comes out under The Racer just left of the restrooms next to WindSeeker. If you look a the picture closely you can see racer and WindSeeker on the plans.
  9. They redo all of Coney Mall with pavers and then use concrete in front of the new attraction? Although, maybe this is the pad for the queue line.
  10. Terp, I've read many of your posts that highlight poor management practices in place at Cedar Fair. Do you think that another company (Six Flags, etc) would have managed the problems with SOB in a different manner?
  11. I'd bet my right arm that it WILL NOT operate in 2011. Nothing (visible) is being done to change the ride. And given the comments from park management about their unhappiness with the ride experience, I think its going to take alot more than new trains (or some other out of view upgrade) to improve that experience.
  12. I've gotta give kudos to Holiday World with respect to their parking equation... Free Parking + Tram Service = Happy Customer
  13. Thanks for the update Ryan! Those new pavers make a huge difference! Any further indication as to when WindSeeker is going vertical?
  14. Thanks Terp for answering my question. You have a wealth of knowledge and each day I log-in to read your comments on these forums.
  15. Does anyone know at what point SOB will need a new paint/stain job? It seems to me that it hasnt been refinished since it was built in 2000. I guess the question really is... How long can it sit there SBNO until they have to put some serious money into maintenance like painting?
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