What benefit does this site (or its owners) get from weeding out speculative information being leaked from it's members?
Kickbacks? Media privileges?
If so, is Kings Island playing the Big Brother of this site, effectively deciding what unreleased information is discussed? (Lets be honest... many of the topics on this site are speculative rumors. The park likes this discussion because it fosters interest in the park on a social networking level)
While the TOS are the laws that govern the site, it seems like KICentral's ownership is bowing down to Kings Island and allowing them to set the TOS, which in-turn limits discussion on unreleased information. Seems as though the park (A.K.A. DON) can cry foul to his buddy Boddah whenever it's imaginary line is crossed.
While I admire the founders, owners, and administrators of this site, and have enjoyed reading this site for many more years than I have been a member, I hope that the adherence to the TOS does not censor discussion or hinder the leaking of rumors that are obtained in a legal fashion.
Just my thoughts on a topic that has, for some reason, really irritated me.