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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. 1.Diamondback 2.Beast 3.Firehawk 4.Son of Beast 5.Invertigo 6.Flight of Fear 7.Vortex 8.Racer 9.Backlot Stunt Coaster 10.Flight Deck 11.Adventure Express 12.Fairly Odd Coaster 13.Runaway Reptar 14.Little Bill
  2. 1.Diamondback 2.Beast 3.Firehawk 4.Son of Beast 5.Invertigo 6.Flight of Fear 7.Vortex 8.Racer 9.Backlot Stunt Coaster 10.Flight Deck 11.Adventure Express 12.Fairly Odd Coaster 13.Runaway Reptar 14.Little Bill
  3. 1.Millennium Force 2.Top Thrill Dragster 3.Diamondback 4.Maverick 5.Firehawk
  4. 1.The Voyage,Holiday World 2.The Beast, Kings Island 3.Incredible Hulk, Islands of Adventure 4.Rockin Roller Coaster,Disney World 5.Vortex,Kings Island
  5. i was at Kings Island last year and some idiot called Firehawk, the flying hawk on fire. I swear
  6. has to be the first time i rode The Beast just amazing
  7. the lines are pretty short just do what ever you want.
  8. I went with my church group and with 2 of my friends. I had a blast. We rode the Voyage. The Voyage,2 words air time. It was amazing the first time i rode was the best. I sat about middle row and when we went down that first hill I was literally coming out of my seat. 10/10. We rode The Legend , it was way better than i remembered it being, the airtime was awesome 9/10. We rode The Raven,pretty good ride and the airtime was good, the only problem was that it was way to short, 7/10. We rode the Liberty launch, even through it's about 1/6 of the size of Drop Zone, it was still awesome 8/10. Unfortunately The Pilgrims Plunge was closed, I was ticked. But I still had an awesome time. The Voyage:5 times The Legend:4 times The Raven:2 times Liberty Launch:1 time Frightful Falls:1 time Raging Rapids:1 time
  9. say it was on a tuesday and the weather is overcast kind of muggy
  10. Diamond Back Beast Son of Beast Firehawk Flight of Fear Invertigo Drop Tower The Crypt Vortex Delirium Racer
  11. come on i really need to know
  12. I have been to KI 4 times and we always go in May but, there was an ice storm in January so we have to go to school until June 5th . We are planning to go to Kings Island sometime between June 15th-June 25th. I was just wondering is there big crowds in mid June, because I am not used to big crowds because I always go in May
  13. my first coaster was The Racer i was 6 years old and I freakin loved it i am now a huge coaster fan
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