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    Kings Mills OH

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  1. Of course your not a bad parent, there is a lot of parents on this site. If I were you, i wouldn't leave either! Otherwise, you wouldn't be here!
  2. I think that it goes good with Action Zone, but it's right in the middle. Surrounded by Drop Tower, SOB , and Delirium, I don't know what could K.I. could afford to put in that is even in their class. The profit for the Go Karts is, I expect, down the drain. So, why not get some visitors to come with a new exciting ride?
  3. I agree with XGatorHead 8904, it's not like K.I. doesn't have a childrens halloween event, the dress up days leading into Halloween are a huge hit with the little kids. And besides, had you ever been to Nick U. at around nine? The place is deserted! It's not like many parents will keep their children at K.I. late at night. So why not have a Halloween Haunt? It's not like you are going to upset anyone. And Halloween Haunt is great for teens and adults!
  4. Wonder Why Cedar Fair just doesn't use D-Back. What's the problem.
  5. Hopefully Six Flags will look into expansion in the coming years. I really want to Go.
  6. Because of it's awesome rollercoasters. You have to admit, Diamondback,Firehawk, and Son of Beast are pretty unique. Even if SOB is gone for a while.
  7. So you mean, a farm turned into a theme park. I'm sorry when I said supports, i meant segments. Once we for sure know about the supports, well know.
  8. It's obviously a big hit. A ton off people are wearing them now.
  9. They could eventually pull out enough space to put something of a decent size yet. I think this transformation wont be completely finished for a year or two.
  10. The ride they bought has been sitting on a lot for almost two years.
  11. CedarFair doesn't care where Visitors go, as long as they pay the company.
  12. I heard it somewhere, that small supports came in to Cedar Point. Not Positive, because I researched a ton of stuff recently. One thing is for sure though, is that it was definately CP. Ok, then I guess I should have looked closer into Cedar Fairs massive movement of rollercoasters.
  13. 1. Order a B&M Invert For X-Base. Repaint Flight deck. 2.Install B&M Invert. Pheonix will be painted Red & Black. Add Bathrooms to X-Base and Seperate it From Coney Mall. Put in a Resturant. 3.Remove the Crypt, But Dont Replace it yet. Re-work all of the woodies, so they run like new. 4.Talk to GCI about getting a new woodie where the Crypt was. Renovate Coney mall to look like it originally did. 5.Install GCI woodie. The Cyclone would be a traditional wooden coaster style. 6.Repaint the Eiffel Tower. Rework the train tracks. 7.Complete Renovation of the entire Waterpark. Expansion also nearly doubles it's size. 8.Order a B&M Twister. Demolish the timberwolf theatre and congo falls. 9. Build B&M Twister. The Screamin' Demon would take on Invertigo's colors. 10. Construct a new theatre, demolishing some of the most outside reaches of the parking lot. P.S. Almost each year we would put a flat in the park. We would also paint every ride that needed it each year.
  14. There is a billboard near my school. It has a picture of Behemoth, but is advertising Diamondback.
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