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Everything posted by mac2008

  1. Yeah thats what i meant so if i dont have tickets now going on sunday to catch the concert would probably be pointless. THanks
  2. You dont need special tickets do you? you can just walk in if u got a gold pass right?
  3. The condition of your firends phone depends on where he lost it. I got mine back in one piece but I lost is on the small hill on the return next to the Crypt exit. If it was from one of the taller hills I would not expect it to be functional. yeah i know. But we called it and it would still ring so im guessing it is still functional. And what kinda phone did you have. We seen like two in the net when we went looking for his. both looked like verizon phones lol. saw a pair of sunglasses in the grass as well.
  4. I defintely saw two girls up in the srl as i was on the stairs and when i got into line to get on looked over and they were both getting ready to get on together. IDK how they did it but i was heated because i just waited a half hour and they had like a 4 ppl line.
  5. I've rode it a few times this year and everytime my chest would start hurting a few seconds after first drop. By the middle of the course im asking when is it over. I like the ride just feel like i owe it my lunch money when i get off. I really dont see how older guests do it. I can barely take it and im 18 ha.
  6. LOL yeah pretty productive day so far huh?
  7. i was there today. Noticed it was closed then saw it open and decided to ride because of ac. And noticed it seemed different and after it was done everyone was like thats it? The ride is horrible now.
  8. I also went yesturday. road diamond back four times (3 ert and on at about 9:45 waited 35 mins) Beast 2 ( one ert, other waited 10 mins Delirum slingshot (line was longest i've seen it) sob crypt (horrible) drop zone Vortex 2 Firehawk white water cannon 3 times (at night, bad idea) In the morning and later in the day lines were really not bad. However in the middle of the day with all those schools lines were pretty long. BTW my friend lost his phone on diamond back, what are the chances he will get it back?
  9. Ive rode it twice this year( once with lights then once w/o) I usually go to fh right at 10 then straight to fof i waited maybe 25 mins combine those two times i have rode it. Just go early.
  10. great news! im going to be there friday. ( unless bad weather.)
  11. mac2008

    A List

    this is what me and my gf have been doing. Early ride time for DB (more than once if line stays short) then head over to fh right at 10 am so line is short fof drop zone sob( first day, then i relized with the meds im on my body is just too sore for this ride now HA) Invertigo Delirium Vortex (check db line) then beast at night.
  12. Does anyone know whats causing these problems? I've been lucky enough to ride it twice this year already but this sunday it was pretty much down all day long. Whats wrong with it?
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