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Everything posted by TylerRider

  1. I do not know if this was yours, but I just bought this.
  2. Leave this website

  3. I just thought of someting. Maby insted of building something, they chan something. I bet they might turn The Racer around for the year.
  4. I have had Kings Island dreams for 3 nights in a row.
  5. 2 people arleady picked racer, but they were no clear. I say that you should have to pick red or blue. If it counts I pick blue. If not I want Down under thunder.
  6. I'm gonna miss Scooby and Spongebob. Everytime I see a show or picture of either, I think of Kings Island. Snoopy is gonna be a suprise when people get the to the park. Nobody knows about it in my class. Right now they think Nick U and Scooby are commin back.
  7. If you dress nice you will be laughed out of there. I say you show up in a beast shirt and a Diamondback Hat. That will show um!
  8. Coney Island 1 Kings Island- I went this year more than ever.
  9. I love that movie. That would of been cool.
  10. What do you think Diamondback would be called if Paramount still owned Kings Island. I mean like a movie themed ride. Like Top Gun or something. This is if they were gona build the ride.
  11. How did they try could they not i do not get it.
  12. It would be nice to hear them. I never got to.
  13. If you have heard of the e ciggarets, the one who use vater vapor, they are allowed to smoke those everywhere. They are hard to spot.
  14. I always thought the little kid the Michael Jackson hat that is always there works there, but he was asked to sit down at Hot Blooded at Haunt.
  15. I know what you could name at by changing only 4 letters Son Of B****
  16. What does the sfkk accident have to do with DT now? Honestly, it was 3 years ago. Well maby they have to replace them ever year or so now because of than incident. And It wasent 3 years ago. I am pretty sure it was last season.
  17. What does the sfkk accident have to do with DT now? Honestly, it was 3 years ago. Well maby they have to replace them ever year or so now because of than incident. And It wasent 3 years ago. I am pretty sure it was last season.
  18. This may sound stupid, but what does MCBR mean?
  19. My favorite memory is when I was Nik Wallenda walk the high wire.
  20. I am wondering what somthing funny you park employees have been asked to do. "Go get that shoe from Dimondback. I hope this turns out funny!
  21. Don't quote me on this either but magnets can de-magnetize over time and will need replacement. I heard they will last 1.7 million years. Do not quote me!
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