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Everything posted by TylerRider

  1. Thanks, also it seems that no one could answer this question in any other topic. When I istall RCT3 everything goes good untill I try to start it up, then it says: Failed to create Direct 3D device: Then I was not able to play. I was never given the option to install that or anything. Can anyone help?
  2. Am I the only one who goes to the home page and it's completly out-dated? Like under attractions It says new in 2007! And all of the important dated are from along time ago.
  3. Kings Island will remove whatever ride in the future that they deem necessary. Maintenance costs, the rides popularity in terms of ridership, its marketability, operating costs, and other things are all factors in what rides are removed from parks. I`m sure that if KI has a ride or rides that they are thinking about removing, they likely have plans in place to replace said rides. That being said, there is no reason to want rides removed simply for the sake of no longer having them in the park. Some people may not like certain rides, but other people love them. The Racer never has a real line, and most of the time the blue is not on the track. I hope they never get rid of it. I love it. It is my favorite ride.
  4. The Beast's lights some times go out when the lap bars un lock.
  5. It should be stated that claims made in a lawsuit establish only one side of a case and are not to be taken as fact unless and until proven in a court of law. A settlement is also not an admission of liability or guilt. Did the Article say PKI? Are they alowed to say it because it happened in 2006?
  6. Hi I'm TylerRider and this is my 200th post special. (yes you got it right.) I would like to tell you about the best Rollercoaster ride I have ever had. It was on The Racer... The Red Racer. It was not to long ago during Halloween Haunt, and It was a cold night. As we went up the first hill the whole train was excited. I was in the second to last seat.(my friends were in the back.) Click Click Click!! up we went untill we stopped. Then the drop took us through an abyss of fog. Going and going untill we got to the tur around going up you could not see your hand in front of your face. Amazing!!! Going into the newly painted and lovely painted walls was also great. Truly the best ride ever. Now I hope you enjoyed this story. I sure love to be able to have the chance to discuss these thing with you guys (tear*) Thanks for listening, TylerRider
  7. I like BLSC because of its theming. (even though it used to be better) I think KI should consider a good themed ride.
  8. They have the same picture at coney island, I never thought of it that was. lol
  9. I dont get it. Why would they have to remove spongebob? Do they not have 2 theaters in Action theater. And Is urgent scare using either of the rooms ? IDK Just wondering. Why on earth would the park expunge all references to Nick Universe and Nick characters, but keep Spongebob in the Action Theater? I suppose it is not impossible, but I figure it is about as likely as the park giving out free ice cream any day the temperature reaches 90 degrees. Possible, but very, very, very unlikely. Also only one side of Action Theater actually works. Been that way for quite some time... Yeah Sorta forgot about that srry.lol
  10. TylerRider

    New Coaster?

    Wait, which one is the girl???
  11. I dont get it. Why would they have to remove spongebob? Do they not have 2 theaters in Action theater. And Is urgent scare using either of the rooms ? IDK Just wondering.
  12. coaster_junky: Looks like the person riding in Row 15 is flipping somebody off. Ik everytime I get off the ride I can never see my photo because my friend flips off the camrea!!!
  13. Yeah me to. BTW just in case someone dosent know, that was a Hakiu. I should of said that in my last post. lol
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