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Everything posted by lopan

  1. i just noticed some of seekers said $5 mil and others $6.5 mil anyone know why different costs for what i thought was the same ride?
  2. i was wondering who would be the first to say that to him :-) we mean well dontwant :-)
  3. Ok i get the need for sources so people can verify info put on there, but if even you who wrote it know for a fact they are working isnt that enough? I just think its a problem for people who goto the page to see what KI etc is all about and are now mislead into thinking its not open?
  4. My mom was telling me the other day how back in the 80's she rode The Beast once and got stuck on the 2nd lift hill for about 45 min and was only worried cause she left me in the "kid corral" at the station and was worried i was freaking out.
  5. i tried to change it and got a "warning" but i contested it. i explained there is no way to prove it beyond www.visitkingsisland or calling the park.
  6. that is true thats how i felt honestly
  7. My dad knows Don Rosa and asked him to do this pic a few years back. Before someone says it yes i know he added a "the" in there (perhaps for copyright etc then again he has to c walt Disney all of his drawings) :-)
  8. When we rode Adventure Express, The Side access door going up the hill was wide open letting daylight in and the Majority of the Lights in the tunnel werent working... they have a bad habit of leaving that door open. quick someone ask Don to put a "for real, close this door at park opening" sign on it :-)
  9. pawn stars:guy selling - id like $600 out of it. rick- yea not gona happen ill offer you like $200 :-)
  10. in that land pic it still shows sob and people were talking about if they would use that land part next to it, but i thought the whole point of tearing down sob and the cars was to use that land those 2 rides occupied to build something new. there should be plenty of land there that they have already cleared to put something(s) new in. Or maybe use part of that marked land if need be?
  11. someone thats there today needs to take a e tower pic of the site :-)
  12. The cams are down at least when i last checked im just wondering how busy is it today for opening day?(line times etc)
  13. ok that just makes it sound like a haunt thing
  14. fairly odd? nice pun i bet you didnt even relize you did it :-)
  15. wow they did good job of making the area look like nothing was ever there beyond the cleared trees
  16. what is the ride to the left of enterprise?
  17. wow i cant believe i was the first person to respond to the guy who asked what the ride was like now :-) hehe
  18. Im sure he was joking if someone likes a ride a that much theres no reason to stop at some arbitrary number.. it would be one thing if it was something like 100 or 1000 but 11999? if so u gona miss it
  19. Funny part is i know exactly what that "capsule" is cause my parents have one in their back yard- its a pool filter minus the pump :-)
  20. so what was the deal with them digging in there anyways?
  21. we should start a 2nd pic game of things NOT current might be a little harder :-)
  22. a little late and not quite what was asked for but i had to :-). guess too early to ask next pic....
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