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son of beast214

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Everything posted by son of beast214

  1. okay, but they have said last week in a matter of days and they do mostly everything on Fridays
  2. This Friday is supposed to be park map release which means what SOB will be and Action Theater!
  3. i think if they are taking over 1 year to simply say their tearing it down then that is a very slow pace/ stupid to take so long! i think they have plans to reopen but when?
  4. well look at when they said we were getting WS 2 days before the announcement!
  5. but you can't be so quick to conclusions. things change so rapidly anymore.
  6. april 1st is the day the park map is coming out "probably" find out SOB fate then. could you imagine 3hrs+ of waiting??? that is what you call a line! DB didn't get that much 2.5hrs for DB.
  7. " Action Theater will still be open this year. The film that will be shown is in the process of being finalized." this is what KI put!
  8. i think how the ride feels depends on the weght and # of people on that train.
  9. http://www.universalorlando.com/Tickets/tickets_2.aspx#page=Tickets_special-offers_UniversalExpress_expresspluspasses.html&expID=13-5805&contentID=13-1152&seq=1 this is just showing a park that charges express/ fast pass
  10. only 13hrs 57min till the big announcement!!!!! today!!!
  11. but, KI has became so popular anymore that they need a alliterative way to make the people pay to get what they what and faster. lots of parks do it outside of CF
  12. well they could charge $30 a day or make a pass $120 for year round fast pass+ all gold pass perks
  13. well they used to i think they should put it on their more popular rides then.
  14. do you think KI should come back with a fast pass for every ride?
  15. i feel like the forums are becoming more negative anymore!
  16. of course when im at school... but i cant wait!!!
  17. thanks for the heads up! i wish they did the announcement at midnight!
  18. $132 i say this because KI is outrageous prices! you know WS gos vertical tomorrow! MIGHT ALSO be a SOB announcement
  19. kind of i was talking about the 1-3-2 i bet they have a dino that size 132ft
  20. might be how much they will charge for it! i think that is how many dinosouars will be their or that is how big one of them is/
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