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son of beast214

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Everything posted by son of beast214

  1. tomorrow should be the day the park map is being released! (no pun intended)
  2. This has been said so many times on this forum there should be no need to repeat it. The Racers are no longer backwards because of a PTC recommendation, which the park has to follow to get the ride licensed. Do some research man. running backwards for about 20 years and then the company not recommanding it the exact same year all rides get a name change?
  3. what was the first 3-d movie at AT?
  4. i loved the nick the best so far not many parks have much in the way of Nickelodeon anymore
  5. also if we still had Paramount today we would have tomb radair the same all ride names SOB with a loop, backwards racer and more "high tech coasters" ex. revenge of the mummy in Orlando Florida.
  6. no today is a present that is why they call it the present
  7. true, but some have lost their favorite company for this park (Paramount)
  8. the reason is because every ride that has been my favorite has been changed or removed and this is next in line
  9. i didnt mean like inside info i was just wondering. SOB is a big ride and im sure they get asked loads of questions about it!
  10. did they take you thorgh Son of Beast area? if so did they say anything about the ride?
  11. yes because it is like a sin to see SOB in any of their videos or photos. they dont like the ride (park manger)
  12. that video is illegal i saw a "gaint wooden coaster" in one of the shots. u should get flagged for that young man!!!
  13. wonder why they never made a mother beast??? HE HAD two kids one died and one might die. lets hope not!!
  14. Mother Beast! have the length of both SOB and The Beast put together with 3 chain hills and 2 loops with a corkscrew and a 250ft tall first hill... that's just me
  15. if you could put one ride in without anyone else's opinion what would it be? for me... Mother Beast! have the length of both SoB and The Beast together with 3 chain hills and 2 loops with a corkscrew and a 250ft tall first hill... thats just me
  16. well if it changes lets hope for the better! i HATE how the park manger said if he doesn't feel comfortable on the ride he said he would like to keep it closed i think they let the people decided! have a vote at the park apirl 15th to decide what to do with it.
  17. but if its on the map that is basically saying its open. if not then its closed
  18. do u think their will be T-shirts this year that are given away?
  19. i think are yellow friend should go on to but i feel slim odds because of Planet Snoopy stuff... yak!
  20. THANK YOU! and like i said they say stuff on Fridays so this week or next week
  21. i said something on FB lets hope they say a date.
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