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Balloondoggle's Achievements

KIC Tourist (1/13)
I've never had a problem with my glasses on coasters at KI, but I have yet to ride Diamondback, Flight of Fear or Firehawk. On the other hand, my daughter's glasses flew out of my pocket on Beast and finished the ride on the floor of the car. So much for securing loose items....
Balloondoggle started following River Town , Losing glasses on rides , What do you miss most from PKI's past? and 7 others
Someone actually used search instead of starting a new topic!!! Just to keep it going, I miss the Sky Ride and The Rotor.
I rode it several times in 1981, and once or twice in 1983. It was my favorite Arrow Suspended coaster, until I rode Big Bad Wolf. Now both are sadly gone Big Bad Wolf is gone? It was the highlight of my summer in '89. That, and my first jump with a parachute I packed myself, but still... I loved the part where you seemed to fly past a row of buildings. Earlier this year I was telling my kids about it when they discovered Flight Deck, but I will now have to tell them they'll never get to ride it. indeed.
My son thinks BB is scary enough already. He won't ride it.
I agree with slitthythroat. I don't even take my phone anymore. There are more interesting things to do than surf the web, and if someone is trying to call me they can leave a message. It's unlikely I would be able to hear the conversation anyway.
Gordon, thanks for assuring me I'm not yet losing my mind. I was an infrequent visitor during the Paramount days and most of my memories of the park are from the mid-late '80s. Google maps picture is old enough that it shows pretty much what I remember. That makes a lot more sense now.
I don't much care what they play, just as long as they TURN IT DOWN! Young whippersnappers, playing that noise too loud all day makes my ears ache and my throat sore from trying to be heard over it. And while we're at it - get off my lawn, you dang kids!!!
When we finally realized in June that the movie had been separated from DA and didn't require extra fees, we figured we'd check it out. Our first attempt was a dismal failure because we didn't realize the entrance was behind WS. We got as far as WS, thought it was the end of the mall and gave up. After studying the map I discovered our mistake and we gave it another shot on an exceedingly rare Friday night without kids. I hadn't seen the building since the Spongebob days and had a vague memory of there being a large plaza that connected directly with the Coney Mall, but given the position between The Racer turnarounds, this is clearly wrong. Once we walked all the way back in a tour reminiscent of the cue for Flight Deck, we woke the attendant who struck me as a good stand-in for the Maytag Repair Man. We chit-chatted with him until the doors opened and we were admitted to the surprise absence of any seats. We were the only 2 people there to see a movie I would describe as "forgettable". Had I paid extra for it I would have been disappointed. We have since suggested it to the kids, but they have no interest. As for the rest of the DA exhibit, I don't care to spend extra money on it after having seen the same sort of thing already when Dinosaurs In Motion was at the Museum Center. How many times can you look at the same animatronic dinos?
Still haven't ridden it. The only member of my family willing to ride it with me is too short to get on yet, and I don't like riding alone.
That's the longest sentence I've read all week.
Ah. I don't Twit. Or is it Tweet? Whichever, I hope everyone had fun and that it was successful enough for you to offer it again next year. IR is one place I've always wanted to check out but have never had the opportunity.
They would have been swamped with reservations if they had publicized it at all.
darn, I wish I had seen this yesterday......
Had a great evening at the park Friday night - first time in 13 years to have an entire weekend kid-free, and we went to KI for the last hour and a half of the day. Talked to the kid at Action Theater for a bit - he was kind enough to laugh at my weak joke comparing him to the Maytag repair man - and just had a pleasant quiet time at the park. Caught the new Summer Song review at the IS Stage on the way out, too. Nicely done.