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Sploosh McBaller

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KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Yeah, i loved SOB but it gives me heart problems. Ahhh
  2. What is the absolute worst rollercoaster you have ever rode? and why?
  3. Mannnn Six Flags be macing their own customers in the face! http://www.myspace.com/whats-hot/2010/6/1/all-time-low-banned-from-san-antonio-six-flags
  4. new managerment can make excitment. Its not like I just walk into the park and go "WOW! this new management is exciting!" ...Well now I know what I have to do next time I go to Kings Island...thanks a lot Sploosh McBaller..! Your all welcome my ballas
  5. new managerment can make excitment. Its not like I just walk into the park and go "WOW! this new management is exciting!"
  6. HAH not funny Ha, you're rude. Well I am deeply sorry If its not funny to you sploosh mcballer. But umm you're new. So welcome to KI Central. And great way to make a good impression. hahaha nahh im just messing with you guys.Thank you for the welcome big dawg
  7. You haven't talked to anyone. Stop your complaining. Were getting a new roller coaster that will be done by next week.
  8. I heard that Tom Brady is going to buy it and put it in his backyard
  9. None of this is exciting. You know what would be exciting? A new ride! or maybe the reopening of Son of Beast. DUH
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