I used to work in the park services departmen and we were usually the last second shift (thats from 3 or 4 pm to close) team to leave the park. The fountains usually shut off about 45min after the park closes and the music is on a timer and dosen't shut off until and hour after the park closes. After that happens its really creepy. It takes about two hours or so for the park services people to clean all the bathrooms, empty the trash cans and sweep up all the midways. After we leave the streets are hosed down with a pumper truck and there are people who make deliveris to from the warehouse to the stands and rides all night. Being there really late is kina fun only its not cool when you work a double in park services and get there before anybody else and are the last car in the parking lot. Oh, and guest relations stays until the last guest leaves the park. All the lost and found stuff from that day gets put into plastic bags and sent with security to the lost and found area to be sorted the next day. But most of the stuff that is really lost, like on rides, gets turned in the next day when maintenance does thier inspections.