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Everything posted by disco2000

  1. Sign up for your 5 bucks once the lawyers take their share.... Dear 2020 Cedar Fair season passholders, The United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio recently certified a class of Cedar Fair 2020 season passholders, to seek refunds on 2020 season passes for park closures during the pandemic. See Walker v. Cedar Fair. L.P, No. 3:20-cv-02176 (N.D. Ohio). Based on Cedar Fair’s records, we believe you are a class member. Our law firms were appointed by the Court as class counsel, to represent class members. Later on there will be an official notice process, with more detail about the case. We write now because we are looking for more class members to actively participate in the case, as class representatives. Serving helps other class members and, if the case is successful, can potentially result in compensation for your service. If you are potentially interested, please complete the brief survey linked here. Because the class includes over 100,000 passholders, we cannot respond to individual emails. Please fill out the survey if you are interested in potentially being a class representative, and we will individually contact those with the potential to serve. Sincerely, Class Counsel Jonas Jacobson Dovel & Luner LLP Nicole Fiorelli Dworken & Bernstein LPA
  2. Regardless of when it was planned, it is evident walking around that they staff the alcohol stands and leave drink refill stations closed. Best example is the new alcohol stand by the train is open yet the drink refill station 30 feet behind it is closed more times than not. As terpy used to say, they already have your money....so they will open a stand that has no pass add-on opportunities first as that is the one bringing in money compared to a long purchased drink plan.
  3. And by many social media posts, many feel KI's Halloween event is better than CPs event this year by a lot, so it appears CP is taking a page out of the KI book on how to cut back and do just enough, and they have no problem flooding the park with guests either. I saw pictures people posted over the weekend of the CP sign at 1pm saying their main parking lot was full. As long as people show up regardless, to what many feel is too crowded to begin with, what incentive is there to improve the offering...
  4. For those interested, it is two train ops.
  5. Journalistic integrity was gone long before the days of Six/CF content creator policy.....
  6. Watch it just be the paint job and a name change with no theming LOL
  7. Banshee has a nice long one train operation line as well.
  8. I agree. As enthusiasts we want to know every little detail, but I don't think the GP really cares. Look how surprised the GP is about a new attraction announcement even though it had been decoded on social media channels for days/weeks/months... Regarding the differences between the Raptor and Banshee incidents, the difference though was initial rumors of Raptor was that someone was ejected from the ride. The park wanted to get out ahead of that. And it was the "infancy" of social media where there was more interaction from companies because social media was a new thing everyone was wanting to be part of. Whereas the Banshee death this summer, from the very beginning it was rumored that a guest jumped fences into restricted areas, and that was factual. That story ended at the very beginning. The park issued a statement to the media and the media reported on it and the GP accepted what the media was reporting and it became old news quickly. There was nothing to gain from the park issuing a statement as the GP had already moved on to other news. When Banshee reopened, its ridership was like nothing happened. Had the park made social media posts, it would have been flooded with what we saw flooding the news media posts - "Darwin award winner" "Stupid idiot" "Can't you read" and much worse stuff. Then the park is put in the situation of do they let some of these types of comments (and some derogatory comments people made elsewhere) sit on their official social media channels, or do they delete those and then get beat up for censoring posts and then the story continues to have stay relevant. They wanted it it behind them. If they don't engage, the story goes away.... A lot has changed in the social media landscape since that Raptor incident. As Tr0y pointed out, many companies are taking the silence is best approach to negative issues. Boar's Head has 10 deaths associated with it and no comment about their thoughts are with the families of those that died, blah blah blah. Just some generic posting about they take health and safety seriously. Just because we think companies should be transparent and spill every little incident, they are paying people big bucks that have apparently decided that silence is the better long term strategy. Take the lumps quick and move on. Maybe legal is telling them or maybe the marketing folks above the park level have decided, who knows, but that is the trend we are seeing if we look big picture at different industries. Many companies are cutting back their posting frequency in general, then when they are silent when an issue happens, it doesn't look odd because they don't post frequently to begin with. The GP have short attention spans. Let it run its course in social media, usually a day or a couple of days and the GP moves on. Once the company starts engaging, the story lives on and stays relevant and on the top of people's minds. There is a reason why when Elon or Trump attack people, the people don't engage in a response. It will be old news tomorrow unless the company engages in a back and forth. Take the bump this weekend. It was the chatter among guests on Saturday and yet they still got in line to ride it. Many were talking about the bump while in line to ride it. Didn't bother them in the least. Same with Sunday. KI posting about it will make it sound like a bigger deal than it was and may actually do more harm from the GP perspective. We are enthusiasts and want to know every minute detail. The GP doesn't. Do you know how much goes on behind the scenes we are never made aware of....Do they have to report to us about every popped nail hammered back in or split board that was replaced on The Beast as part of the daily inspections....What good would it do.... While we want to know every detail, the park isn't under obligation to post about it. I am sure there is stuff that happens that our curiosity would love to know about, but there is no good that comes out of them posting it.
  9. KI made the list of budget attractions. https://www.wcpo.com/money/consumer/dont-waste-your-money/fall-activities-in-cincinnati-on-a-budget-we-looked-at-where-to-save?fbclid=IwY2xjawFpfB9leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHV6H3Sv9v0bqQijDKfBxn5Q_puTyzBRTajuxr50rgeyBj8X3xXiUcwtmqg_aem_HHAPR7Q2iewuQZMsi646eg
  10. Time to remove it for Son of Beast 2.0
  11. Um....it actually re-opened same day a short time later after they removed the two trains....
  12. Why? It runs in the rain and the wind speed was below the limit, so it operated.
  13. No surprise, but it appears to be chain wide for parks with Haunt: https://www.facebook.com/stories/102064018628921/UzpfSVNDOjQ2ODQwMjM4NjE5OTA5OQ==/?view_single=1
  14. Gives you an excuse to go visit Dent Schoolhouse LOL
  15. It's just a commercial to buy your Gold Pass
  16. You gonna take a chadnce on the job
  17. Wonder when they will wrap the legacy CF parks into the one big SIX vote LOL https://10best.usatoday.com/awards/travel/best-theme-park-halloween-event-2024/halloween-haunt-at-kings-island-mason-ohio/
  18. Lanterns. Don't forget Lanterns lol. Saw many families with 3 and 4 kids, each holding a lantern. That adds up quick at $40 each!
  19. Maybe the new company will Geauga Lake the place What ride will they dump in our Vortex spot
  20. Blow your own whistle and share the full review
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