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Everything posted by Paramount

  1. After thinking more about the "shed" element and the sharp L shape, it would be pretty cool if it was a super sharp over-banked turn. I kinda feel like it may be a point where things slow down a lot though and you see a lot of theming... much like the way Adventure Express teases you at the end. I hope the latter is not the case.
  2. The 3rd video at the official Kings Island website shoulds the 360 video of the "shed". It says Miami River Lumber Co. on the side. It's built in a super sharp "L" shape so will it be a super sharp turn with a stop and a launch to get away from creeping vines?
  3. mystictimbers.visitkingsisland.com there are pov videos there
  4. I actually think this will be a great "upper-middle" ride. Plus I think the theming will be the real winner with this ride. We have a lot of good high thrill rides but not enough that are a little less extreme but still really fun. This ride will be fun
  5. The Wendigo is a cannibalistic spirit with tribal roots. This could be to counter the Banshee on the opposite end of the park.
  6. I gotta say... I'm a little confused by the themes I'm hearing in the music and sounds... I'm hearing some asian influenced music (could be native american) along with manual and electric saws... Anybody think we're gonna see a Native American theme? Wendigo?
  7. Barbie Dive Coaster... That is where we're headed isn't it?! I just don't know if I can wrap my head around that
  8. The Snapchat photo of Diamondback's lift hill saying it is a major key could be showing where another lift hill might pop up. It would be cool to see another lift hill from that view - and it would probably be a pretty tall lift to be relevant.
  9. I would definitely love to see a giga. I also think it would fit pretty well in that area. Imagine diving in and out of the forest. I know someone else mentioned this with a wingcoaster. I think a floorless giga would be thrilling going through the trees and such. I would also think a water coaster like Divertical could be cool... That ride has crap for theming which would be a bonus of the KI location.
  10. Yea serious, he cut the pic number way down.
  11. A strata like no limits would definitely be awesome and scary as crap. I really think what we are getting will just be something completely new and will push limits. With enough money anything is possible and I'm willing to bet those Fast Lane purchases have made a TON of cash.
  12. Enchanted dark forest stuff?......If you go to Williamsburg VA you can brave the black forest..... I have to say I would love something like verbolten
  13. With scarecrows being set on fire , what If this was "the wicked witch"?! Green track, black supports... Castle built and some enchanted dark forest stuff...
  14. would be awesome if we got a new "Oz" land (scarecrow) lol.... Actually there's a pretty scary story called "Feathertop" about a scarecrow who was brought to life by a satanic witch. The witch used him to do bad things but when it starts to develop human feelings, kills itself.
  15. Guess boo blasters (phantom theater) doesn't count... Come on dark rides are awesome and one like vekomas would be great... I miss tomb raide/crypt
  16. So much happens in a couple days. I'm so excited to see this I don't really care what it is. Thanks for the new pics!
  17. Right. Because there aren't hundreds of other manufacturers out there like Zierer, Gerstlauer, PTC, RMC, Premier, or Vekoma that could be creating this coaster. Neither of you seemed to mention Mack Rides, which is a company that I haven't heard quite a few of you name. Remember, Cedar Fair did install a Mack wild mouse coaster at Knotts last year and it sure was a Coast Rider! Along with that, Mack is also kind-of into the dark ride business...Amusement Dark anyone? Not saying it would be a wild-mouse, just throwing out the idea of getting a Mack ride in general, whether that be a wild mouse or launched coaster or even a Mack dark ride. You can throw the Theming out the door, because sadly.. this isn't Paramount anymore. Do we really think there will be less theming? Curious what everybody thinks. Maybe the background with Disney will change that. The area they're building in seems perfect for theming. Possibly. But we can't be for sure of that since Gatekeeper didn't really have that much themeing unless you consider going through the Keyholes... Something tells me he wants this to be better than Gatekeeper. The location screams theming
  18. Right. Because there aren't hundreds of other manufacturers out there like Zierer, Gerstlauer, PTC, RMC, Premier, or Vekoma that could be creating this coaster. Neither of you seemed to mention Mack Rides, which is a company that I haven't heard quite a few of you name. Remember, Cedar Fair did install a Mack wild mouse coaster at Knotts last year and it sure was a Coast Rider! Along with that, Mack is also kind-of into the dark ride business...Amusement Dark anyone? Not saying it would be a wild-mouse, just throwing out the idea of getting a Mack ride in general, whether that be a wild mouse or launched coaster or even a Mack dark ride. You can throw the Theming out the door, because sadly.. this isn't Paramount anymore. Do we really think there will be less theming? Curious what everybody thinks. Maybe the background with Disney will change that. The area they're building in seems perfect for theming.
  19. Ahh thanks.. I clicked on it with my phone and it just took me to the main mobile page..
  20. Anybody else see the tweet today that said to check out the Kings Island website between June 29-30?
  21. As I know it's not everyone's favorite ride, I'd be upset if they took out Adventure Express. While it's not my favorite ride either, I really enjoy it for the variety it offers the park. It may be a little rough, but not half as bad as The Beast was a few years ago. Obviously they won't need to take it out to accomodate the new ride. It's got some fun, cheesy theming and that's more than a lot of the rides have. Plus, I usually see it as something quick to ride in between big stuff.
  22. What did the new signage say? If you don't mind me asking. THE_BEASTmaster, who likes to be curious sometimes, even though he'll be at the park this evening. The new signs say the same thing. The only difference is the last sentence does not appear to be added on compared to the original signs. The original signs look like they taped something over the original words only to reveal something different at a later time. Has anyone tried to peel these off to see what is underneath? I'd imagine trying to peel that would get you in quick trouble for something like vandalism or property destruction. Maybe they'd be cool with it but why risk it?
  23. ^so I guess a the top of the lift hill you'll be something like 600 feet in the air
  24. Maybe they are taking wind seeker and putting the bottom of it on a track. This means you'd be up in the air spinning but also on a coaster track... Don't think it'll be able to handle any inversions
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