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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. That would be a great beginning, but he would have to buy it with enough to spare for any mechanical repairs and cosmetics.
  2. Let's see... 1. Repaint Racer 2. Rework the track on Flight Deck by adding an additional 30 seconds worth of track. It's a great ride, but needs to be a tad longer. Oh, and re-theme it to The Bat to match Banshee's theme. 3. Spruce up/Update Adventure Express's theming. It too is a nice ride, but could use some love. I would really like to see a do over on the last chain-lift to the station brakes and re-angle it into a last drop with a different run leading up to the station brakes.
  3. First, if you owned KI, would you also "own" Cedar Fair? If not, you lose a lot of the synergistic budgeting that is potentially available by running multiple parks. Going on the premise that it is KI by itself, then Banshee may be it for awhile when it comes to large rides. The waterpark really could use some nice modern slides/water coasters. That would likely be my next move after Banshee. I do not think KI needs a token Giga anytime soon. A Maverick-type coaster themed to aliens/space would be after Banshee. I'd dump Firehawk and put the new coaster in X-Base. A family-friendly Wild Mouse with spinning flying Saucers would be cool too. Have all of it glow at night.
  4. KK better have a darned good security department. It's on a major local bus route that has connections to the entire city - good and bad parts. Not to mention the area of town it is in is not exactly the best. Ed Hart's biggest challenge will be crowd control not running the rides.
  5. Ride looks great. It will be interesting to see how AZ shapes up over the next few years with the Banshee theme. It would be great if the ride really did give off an unexpected Banshee scream. Retheming and renaming Flight Deck to The Bat would be wonderful. It looks like there is still a lot of space to fill. Rides like Congo Falls and Drop Zone can easily be rethemed and renamed over time. AZ could become DZ (Dark Zone). A lot can be done connecting AZ with X-Base to create a Sci-Fi/Dark blend on one side of the park. Could even paint The Racer closest to that side black.
  6. First time I ever road it (as Top Gun),I remember coming to the screeching halt of the end and thinking, "Wow! That was a rush! Is it over?" Then got off the ride and realized it made me a little dizzy. Would love for it to be longer. Love the swinging out effect. Happy Anniversary, Flight Deck.
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