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Everything posted by Khan

  1. Man, you have a busy few days and all of a sudden you are 75 pages behind...
  2. Keeping my promise from last night to YoungStud... I'm currently in line for Maverick, and it's down...
  3. You will understand when you're older...or you won't 17 posts and your attacking people 'Twas hardly an attack, more of a commentary on only understanding one kind of attraction. If you would like to read all 17 posts, you will see it hardly took me until now to say something that could be taken as an "attack" An attack would have been pointing out the poor spelling of "supposed" or your apparent inability to differentiate between "your" and "you're"... but I didn't do that
  4. You will understand when you're older...or you won't
  5. Doesn't matter, it's all relative...as long as the ride is good who cares who designed it? It's just fun to get YoungStud all fired up by telling him B&M is better than Intamin. These last several pages are making me want to go find a bumpy road...
  6. If Maverick is down when I get to CP in the morning, it will certainly feel like Intamins reliability issues are overblown...
  7. yet that wheel will just keep on rolling while that motor is being repaired
  8. It's likely a good idea for CF to have a reliable park 4 hours from downtime ridden CP
  9. B&m is the Arrow Dynamics of today. They make outdated forceless rides and their hyper/giga coasters only have a little floater air. Intamin leads the pack in innovations. They try new things with their rides, new elements, take chances, strong ejector air. They are the present and the future of the industry. Intamin is more than likely currently using its cutting edge innovation to design a ride that can, somehow, have more downtime than its predecessors
  10. I desperately want to think this is a joke One would be wise to suppose that. I kind of assumed as much, however, with the nonsense that takes over this thread late at night...assuming would be very unwise
  11. I desperately want to think this is a joke
  12. Please, please start reading back through the thread to catch up on the things you missed. Of course this tweet was already discussed, about 3 minutes after he tweeted it.
  13. Don't brag about your spelling and grammar just yet. You missed some punctuation in your posts, and used the word "to" incorrectly. I noticed the "to" and "too" error shortly after I posted, but was too tired to change it. I suppose I will settle for somewhere between perfect grammar and "Vortex Lover" grammar
  14. I see what you did there, Thrill Biscuit. **Slow Claps**
  15. I should have picked a better night to join KIC...don't lump me in with that crowd, my spelling and grammar is considerably better. And I'll form coherent thoughts that don't sound like the ramblings of an immigrant
  16. The option to stop receiving messages is a legal requirement, under the CAN-SPAM Act. Either way, none of this is related to decoding anything, and as I'm new here I would rather like to avoid the ire of the more estabished members by delving to deeply into the legal ramifications of a topic of small importance. The park has an opportunity to obtain personal information from thousands of people that can be used to dissiminate promotional material for the park. I would very highly doubt they would use it to discreetly inform guests on a "secret location" as this sets them up for a tremendous embarrassment if very few guests show up. It would be much more likely that media outlets will begin receiving invitations from the park, and a physical clock as well as a digital countdown will inform the proletariat when they should expect an announcement (that's what will happen)
  17. notice what i turned red. coincidence or on purpose? Is it coincidental or with reason you turned those numbers red? I'd have to guess you turned them red to demonstrate some point... Unfortunately, this is simply "coincidental"... and not anything at all if you don't forget to include the last digit of the time stamp, which seeing that there are no more numbers in the clue (its likely not a clue) would marginalize the usefulness of this "coincidence"
  18. Or...it is an extremely easy way to get a lot of phone numbers from enthusiasts who the park can then freely send messages to. 'Tis but a marketing strategy. that could also be true but im thinking from it saying "Our KIClub members will be the first to know" The key to any good marketing relying on customers willingly giving up personal information is to make them feel as though they will be special for doing it.
  19. Or...it is an extremely easy way to get a lot of phone numbers from enthusiasts who the park can then freely send messages to. 'Tis but a marketing strategy.
  20. I've been lurking here for quite some time, and tonight decided to join just so I could prove that not all new members will immediately begin posting the exact same ideas debunked 65 pages ago. That being said.... This exact topic was discussed dozens of pages ago, the IP address was traced to Washington (Seattle, i believe) and it was decided this was simply a URL bought by an unnamed person (to protect his privacy as I remember) and not in any way associated with the park or Cedar Fair.
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