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Everything posted by LadyCulinare

  1. Greetings, I have been reading this since the topic began, and I have been biting my lip. I'd like to make my post short, as I have a tendency to ramble. Only because you personally want a coaster does not mean that the park WILL build a coaster. In my personal opinion that location is terrible for a coaster, why congest that area? Why build a coaster in that area? Too close to three major coasters. Considering the five year plan, not that the park follows it to the T, but 2009- we had a coaster, 2010- Planet Snoopy upgrade, 2011-Flat ride, 2012-Soak City, 2013-Capitol investments. We begin again, 2014-coaster, 2015-Planet Snoopy upgrade, this year it was switched up, going with capitol investments and Soak City addition. 2017 really seems to be the year for a flat ride. The park is lacking a terrific flat ride. I honestly feel that 2019 will be the year for the next coaster. At this point, 2014 was five years after Diamondback, so I don't see why they would just add another coaster three years after a major coaster, especially in this location, it just seems so congested. That area would host a beautiful flat ride. I think the next coaster will be out by X-base and in the old SOB double helix area. In that area that is being mildly cleared. Anyway, I firmly believe that no coaster is on its way. Again, a coaster just does not make sense. Only because you love coasters doesn't mean that Kings Island is just going to pile coasters upon one another. I honestly think a major coaster next to Diamondback would look horrible. Let us consider this, first major coaster in the park was in Rivertown, the next major coaster was in Action Zone, seems like Coney Mall would be ideal for the next coaster. Anyway, lets just put our personal wants for a coaster aside and think logically, and only because you see markers in certain places doesn't mean its a coaster. I mean, the past two coasters have shown us that footers usually begin to appear around this time. Do we see footers? Sure, we have signs for falling trees, but Cedar Fair is really sticking with Gary Wachs original idea for the park, making sure landscape is on the top of the list, and with the renovations of WWC I think we could be seeing a minor expansion into the woods along with maybe one or two flats rides. See, I wanted to make this short because I ramble, and wonder if I make sense. I did not profread, so forgive me for spelling or grammatical errors, or the over use of commas. Any there we have it, this guys perspective on the situation........thanks for reading.....
  2. So I'm thinking to myself, perhaps a wicked, awesome, dark ride to replace the quick fix boo blasters? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I personally believe you are all wrong. I think it is best to say that Kings Island will be receiving its tallest, fastest, and longest steel coaster. Between 80-90 and height of between 350-400. I also believe that within the years we will see a wing coaster. Take this as you may....
  4. Good evening my friends, I've been a long time reader and just wanted to share my two cents on this whole matter. Let us wait until tomorrow, the more we think the more we kill ourselves. Relax and in 24 hours we will know!!! Take it easy..
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