I admit I have not seen the fountain in person, but from the photos posted I am not impressed. I have three big concerns with the new fountain.
1. The water jets are small and not nearly as significant as they were, leading to a cheaper appearance. Before they water volume was large and felt like a royal fountain.
2. The ligh towers look like temporary structures put up for everyday events. If they are permitted, which they appear to be, why not install something more permanent, less intrusive, or themed. I know asking for light towers that rise up only at night (aka Disney) is a lot to ask for from a regional park, but these light towers are also not good solution.
3. The lighting at night on the fountain likes very flat, boring, and weak. In the photos it gave no depth to the water and was not impressive at all.
From the initial photos this new royal fountain is weak cheaper looking replacement to what was there.
just my thoughts based on what I have seen from photos only, Hopefully in person the fountain is much more impressive.