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Everything posted by benny1388

  1. I wasn't really picking single points to advocate, nor ignoring anything. #1 If he doesn't have permission to share, that is between him and his source and none of my business. It doesn't inherently make the shared information untrue. #2 The only thing I can't advocate is violating the TOS. I never intended to do that and apologize if it seemed I was doing so. What I was trying to say is that a website's TOS requiring sources to be named was not something that was worthy of violating the trust of a source (assuming sharing any info they provided was not already a violation of that trust). #3 If he's lying, we'll find out when the truth is revealed in a few weeks. I see no point in calling anybody a liar until you have facts to support the claim. edit - I know it probably seems like I'm taking one side or trying to stir trouble. That's not my intention. As far as 'sides', I'm a wait and see type. And it seems if you don't fall in step with a select few here, you're perceived as a troll or causing trouble. All I've been trying to say is that public name calling and accusations does nobody any good.
  2. Continuing as Devil's Advocate... Unless his source is ok with him disclosing the information on the condition of anonymity. (which was a condition to my comment above about wanting to share the info, I just thought that would be understood) Because you wouldn't share information with anybody does not mean others wouldn't. If everybody felt that way, no company would ever have things leak out.
  3. Care to remedy this GavPenn? I'm sorta playing Devi's Advocate here... Your post makes it sound like you're interested in learning his source(s) and how he gained the knowledge/information he claims to have more than you are interested in adherence to TOS. If you were concerned strictly with TOS, why wouldn't you just report any posts where you felt TOS was violated and move one to let the admins/moderators handle it? Why call him out publicly? I know some/many people here don't think GavPenn is credible (I have no opinion one way or the other), but the best way for people to establish credibility in a forum like this is to provide information that later turns out to be accurate. Doing so means he's either lucky or has reliable and credible sources. If he does so on multiple topics/projects in the future, his credibility goes up. I'm glad I don't really have any connections because I would want to help share information, but I would not post the name of the source because getting a friend fired from their job over a web site's TOS is not what friends do.
  4. ^^ Where did that come from? Or do I just need to get more coffee and enhance my reading comprehension skills?
  5. Assuming that positioning/layout is at least close to accurate, why does it seem people are stuck on the ride going over the reservoir? Why not under?
  6. I think only like a week or 2 in advance, but the difference is that the Banshee combs had a specific date and time (if I'm correct) while these are like a media day announcement announcement. Still though, this seems a lot earlier than Banshee's Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk We don't know what's on the other side of that card. Maybe there is a date there that has an embargo date attached to it...
  7. IF a giga were to go in where Vortex currently stands, I would expect it to run alongside first lift of The Beast, then turn left and run past The Racer's turnarounds. You're right that gigas take up a lot of real estate, but keep min mind there's no reason they have to use to the same station house. They could place a new station house behind Rivertown's LaRosa's, for example. My gut tells me Vortex won't be around much longer, but others disagree. We'll see. Regardless, I wouldn't expect it to be replaced with a giga (at least not in the same spot) just because space is tight there for a giga.
  8. Really interested in how people will decipher that image and text...I'm clueless. It doesn't have the hashtag in it. Maybe that means something, maybe it doesn't.
  9. I've been looking for a photo of those to show the boys. Hope to find one that's as far away from the actual ride as possible to help them grasp what the lines were like.
  10. Perfect the KI to CP Coaster with a transfer in Columbus. They might even be able to levy and uncharge for that. That would finally install that high speed rail they've been talking about putting in for decades to connect the three cities...
  11. Woodstock Express - "Beastie" kidding (kinda) edit: Doh! Somehow missed PKI96's post... ok, so...Delirium - "Spinning Pendulum Thing" ...???
  12. Back in the day, a 3hr (or more) wait for The Beast was pretty normal. I was a kid and it was summer break. I had no idea what day of the week it was, but I'm guessing we went on Saturdays.
  13. We also need to remember that most of the GP don't use twitter, instagram and snapchat, where a lot (all?) of the clues/hints have been posted. the KI twitter account has just over 60k twitter followers. ~65k instagram followers (probably safe to say there's a ton of overlap in those). I'm unsure on snapchat as I am a curmudgeon and refuse to create an account there, but I'm guessing it's close to the 60k mark, probably less. Those may seem like impressive follower counts, but that's just ~3% of the over 2mil people in the Cinci metro area. The park's market area is far larger than just the Cinci area. So that percentage of 'general public' gets smaller when you include the folks from further out (like me in the Columbus area, others in Dayton etc).
  14. Everybody is different. I'm 40 and admit not in very good shape. I don't think I can do The Beast more than 2-3 times per visit without having reminders the next day. It's the roughness of the ride (before anybody feels obligate to point it out, I know there are rougher woodies out there). Vortex could do the same, depending on where I sit. Banshee and Diamondback would not provide me with those reminders.
  15. What we have here, I think, is a complete lack to tone in the written word. To be fair, it's not lacking tone entirely. It has the tone of the person reading it, which isn't necessarily the tone intended by the author. 1) Someone posts something that, in their mind, was lighthearted and whimsical. 2) Someone, or multiple someones, reads it with a different tone in their mind. 3) non-decoding back-and-forth clutters up the decoding thread
  16. Ok, so I wasn't wrong lol, just confused about what we were talking about lol.
  17. Ok, this is what I thought we were talking about. Is it one and the same or was 'the pond' something else?
  18. Won't be the first time, nor last, for me to be incorrect. Memory is a funny thing.
  19. I'm confident the lake around The Beast was present well into the 90s.
  20. Picnic Grove gets used. Whether it makes money/profit for the park is another question. And...not everything in the park needs to be a direct money-maker. I'm not sure I could say Picnic Grove qualifies as one exactly, but loss leaders are a thing. If you don't know what a loss leader is, it's something sold at a loss (like an Xbox) because it will lead to you spending money on something else the mfgr makes profit from (like the games for the Xbox). The crazy 55" TV for $100 Black Friday sales? Those are loss leaders. They limit the number available for obvious reasons, but they get people to show up to the store and they'll buy other things. There's other things that you could ask the same question about. Do the fountains make money for the park? Probably less than Picnic Grove since I doubt the fountains factor into any decision to have an event etc at the park. Regardless, a service to guests that they use/enjoy is often times worthwhile to keep around, even if it (by itself) operates at a small loss. "Well, we could hold our event at King's Island, but we'd have to have the gathering in the parking lot since they put a ride where Picnic Grove used to be." If people come to the park, for whatever reason, they're paying for admission, they're buying food/drinks/merch etc.
  21. I'm sure there are people here who could explain it in great detail (if my engineer brother were here....it would nap time lol) I wouldn't think they're 'safer' than their counterparts, though. All rides are engineered to be safe, and so long as the ride is operating within the limits it was designed for, then it's safe. (Honestly, they all shake to some degree, it's just whether it's something we notice). If you wonder why they shake/rock, it's probably very similar to why a bridge feels like it's going to fly apart when a large truck drives over it. Maybe there's a 'how stuff works' (love that site) page out there that can explain this for you.
  22. The ash borer parasite probably killed those off. They should be removed for safety. Not just from falling and causing damage/injury, but dead trees are good fuel for fire. I try to remove anything that's good for a fire on my property, and I don't have millions of dollars worth of rides and structures on it.
  23. I didn't think so at all. You get some G's when they launch you similar to a launch coaster (probably less, or seems so, since you're basically laying down). At the apex you get some 'air time' feeling as you go into free fall, then some minor G's as the ride slows you down at the bottom. For us, it repeated 5-6 times until the ride settled out, each time with less intensity/duration. There's a camera in the pod, I bought the video as a keepsake for myself and the youngest. I can try to put it on dropbox or something and link it here...
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