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Future of Mall of America

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2008 - Several New Rides - Confirmed - (8/7/07) The CoasterCrew has posted a new podcast interview with the director of family marketing at The Park at MOA who talks about the transformation of the park into Nickelodeon Universe next year. In the interview they mention something about four new rides coming next year including a SpongeBob themed Eurofighter coaster for the new Bikini Beach themed area of the park. This will also be the first coaster in the park to feature an inversion. Other new rides include a Surf Rider, a Spring tower ride (I assume this is the delayed 70 foot tower ride from 2007) and another kiddie ride that they haven’t finalized the contract for. They also talk about rethemeing the existing log ride to have a new Nickelodeon Green Slime theme. The park’s overall look will move away from the forest / camp snoopy theme the park had before to have a more wild and colorful Nickelodeon theme. The Yogi ‘s Big Rescue simulator ride will also be replaced with something new.

I just found it interesting that MOA area used to be called Camp Snoopy but is now Nickelodeon. I wonder if CF will follow suit in appealing to kids love of Nick instead of the Peanuts.

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I believe they got a license from a company called Viacom...the same company that Cedar Fair is currently negotiating with to extend its license for Nick, which expires in three more years. From the last conference call, it was clear that Cedar Fair would like to pay less than Viacom would like to get for the license. Perhaps they will reach agreement. Perhaps, not....

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