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Group Tries To Preserve GLP's Big Dipper

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"Thrill seekers would pay a few dollars to zip along the Big Dipper's half-mile of up-and-down fun. The money would go to preserve the attraction and keep it rolling. A few smaller rides could be added to expand upon the theme."

Why not just rebuild Geauga Lake? Lofty concept, but unlikely.

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This all reminds me of when it was announced that Opryland would be no longer. They originally had said that some rides would remain and be incoporated into the new development. As history has now shown us they left no rides for the Opry Mills development. While I personally think Geauga Lake should be saved as a theme park if it's going to be any less I would much rather the Big Dipper be sent to a park to be enjoyed and not in the middle of a shopping mall. Dollywood, earlier this year tried to save the Zippin Pippin (Elvis's favorite roller coaster at (now defunct) Liberty Land in Memphis) but was then later decided to be used at Carolina Crossroads (which Dolly's brother plays a part in) well to those who payed attention to that situation the Zippin Pippin was then later scrapped in the plans at Carolina Crossroads and they actually donated the coaster back (minus the cars previously sold) to a local activist group trying to save the park and ride. Now that its back in the hands of a group that doesn't have a large cash flow I fear for what may happen to the ride. That being said I feel it's very likely if a group was to save (in terms) the Big Dipper and others I feel that saving them may actually destroy them. So while I wish Geauga Lake was still there, now that it's leaving I really hope those coasters find a new home at another park.

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