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SFA Calendar Posted--Drastic Reductions in Hours

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The drastic reduction in hours,along with the lousy waterpark addition for 2008 is just the writing on the wall for this park.I expect them to go the way of GL within a year or at the most two year's time.

Good thing I didn't waste money on a season pass for SFA this year,instead I'll go to KD where they're adding something that I actually want to ride.

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I would suspect that the earlier close times may be related to the fact that most of their draw during the evening is teenagers. Rowdy teenagers overwhelm that park since it's on the busline and near the light-rail to DC.

For a more "family" atmpsohere, it makes sense to operate only during "family" hours. And close earlier since most families leave parks early in the evening.

Also, I believe that numerous "incidents" have occurred during later park hours.

SFA falls into a category of parks that I refer to as "uneasy" parks. Meaning some people feel a bit unsafe when visiting. Others I have noticed this "feel" at are: SFAW (now closed... go figure), Rye Playland, SFMM, etc etc. Even KD had this issue for years.


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(wow....I am so thankful Shaggy didn't mention Great Adventure....which had that issue for many, many years....perhaps no park has more or more active security than does Great Adventure....I always feel safe there, but I know there are some who at one time did not....The one place I do not now nor have I ever felt safe is the new Elitch Gardens in downtown Denver...that place has...to be kind...issues...)

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