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CoCo Key Water Resort 1/10 to 1/12


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I spent my birthday at CoCo Key Water Resort and the trip report is now online at Cincinnati Parent Magazine. It should be in the hard copy magazine next month.


Please note that I submitted this trip report the day before I got laid off (with a severance package) which is why the article says I am a marketing strategist. If you know of any marketing openings, even entry level, please let me know.

Best regards,

Italian Chef

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I'd like to thank you all, especially The Interpreter, for your support. A lay off isn't the end of the world. But it surely doesn't boost one's self-esteem or finances. :lol:

I'm just lucky that my wife has always earned more than me and carries our health insurance. I'd say that she is the bread winner, but since she's Japanese and I'm Italian, I guess that makes her the rice and pasta winner. ;)

I hope that we can all hang out at Kings Island this upcoming season. Is there is KIC Day set yet?

Best regards and thank you,


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You said "Checking in at the Sheraton and CoCo Key was simple enough. The ladies at both front desks were very courteous and beautiful."

Does this mean that it makes the water park even better since the ladies at the front desk are both courteous AND beautiful? Sometimes your wording goes a little overboard IMO. Just sounds like you have a different agenda sometimes.



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