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Coaster Mania 2008 PTR!


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Some goals:

Guests of Exceptional Size

Due to rider restraint system requirements, guests of exceptional size may not be accommodated on some of our rides. This may apply, but not be limited to, males who exceed 6'2", and those who exceed 225 pounds, have a 40" waistline or 52" chest or females who exceed 200 pounds or wear size 18 or larger. Each person has different body proportions, so it is impossible to determine exact size and weight.

Wow, the last time I saw 225 lbs and a 40" waistline was freshman year of college, some 17 years ago. I guess I won't be visiting the Roller Coast for awhile. Meanwhile, the weight loss continues... Now here's hoping the Rivertown construction is a B&M, not Intamin, so I can ride it next year.

Where are the INTAMIN coasters at KI? Parks in Ohio MUST follow manufacturers' recommendations, which INTAMIN has greatly strengthened since their previous incidents. MF will no longer accommodate many riders who rode it with no difficulties in its opening season. The same is true of Top Thrill Dragster.

That would be me, and MF is my favorite coaster. Never did get to ride TTD.

And oh yeah, great TR! I loved the Corkscrew picture with PT & TTD.

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So, if you are more than 6 foot, 2 inches, should the guest have a goal of shrinking or should the park have a goal of accommodating its guests?

In a perfect World, it would be nice to have the park accomodate their guests.

Perhaps in the future, if the park would purchase new trains, they would be more accomodating.

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In a society where people are getting taller and taller, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to buy rides that categorically exclude people who have done nothing but grown too tall! :)

But you can't forget about those that are rather small.

Including larger restraints for taller people, could excluded the smaller guest. We already have enough upset kids in the World because they are not tall enough to ride. :lol:

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Well thats nice that they post the guidelines and let you test the harness so you don't waste your time in a line. NOTHING ****es you off more than waiting in line for something for an hour or more only to have to make the "walk of Shame" when you get up there to ride it! Anyway I'm sure at CP I'd have no problem. How is the Raptor? Is it as forgiving as Invertigo?

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^ It is nice that they do have the teat seat.

But where is gets really bad is when a person will fit the test seat, and then not fit the actual ride seat.

CP has been dealing with that chaos ever since MF had it's seatbelts shortened.

Needless to say, it has caused MANY loud and embarassing incidents on coaster platforms.

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