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Possibility for Next KI Event

Guest TombraiderTy

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Guest TombraiderTy

While I personally believe that we'll see the cast of the Brady Bunch as the next KI event, I thought this idea would also be nice to see and fun to watch:

Alain "Spiderman" Robert, famous for his often unannounced and illegal scaling of structures, has climbed 70 towers, monuments, and skyscrapers, all without the help of ropes, suction devices, or safety equipment. A dedicated solo urban climber, he uses pipes, window frames, cables, and gaps between brickwork to reach the top of towers that often stretch to a height of above 1,300 feet. He holds the world record for the most buildings climb unassisted.


I personally think his appearance at Kings Island would draw some extra people. He would be able to (easily) scale the Eiffel Tower, and possibly Drop Tower. While neither of their heights can even compare to some of the structures he's scaled, it'd still be another day of entertainment that Kings Island could offer for the season. And no one before him attempted the stunt, like it was with the past two events, it could be the "start" of history for it.

Alain Robert's website is www.alainrobert.com

Thoughts and comments?

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Guest TombraiderTy

Seriously. What's so "bad, bad, bad" about it? Is the reason it's bad, bad, bad related to safety? Or is the idea itself a bad idea?

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a. Unlike the other events so far, it is not a repeat of a past performance at Kings Island by one's ancestors.

b. It would encourage guests to emulate his conduct...as unlike the tightrope wire or the Coke Zero trucks and ramps, Drop Tower and the Eiffel Tower will both be there after the guy is gone. When little kids and teens emulate his performance and fail (or succeed), guess why? Not good.

c. Parents don't mind if their kids aspire to be tightrope walkers or motorcycle jumpers...sort of. Most would be furious if their kids aspired to be urban climbers.

d. The type of conduct this gentleman engages in is often done illegally without permission of the building owner.

All in all, I agree with Woofer, this is a truly terrible idea.

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Guest TombraiderTy

1· When those events were done in the 70's, had a similar event been done before? No. This could be a first also.

2. With Drop Tower, I'd love to see a kid try and climb that. Eiffel Tower, of course would be easier. But after this guy climbs structures like these, you don't hear news stories about a kid falling to his death after trying to replicate his stunt.

3. Who is to say a kid who watched the jump didn't lay a wooden board down against a rock and speed down a hill to fly off and jump something? Or maybe a kid is trying to walk across a clothesline at this very moment, having just seen Wallenda yesterday?

4. Yes, but with the park's permission, it wouldn't be illegal.

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I dont think your geting the big picture here, I for one dont think it will be entertaining. Cause hes already broke the world record, whats he gona do with a 315ft tower? I dont like too see children get encourage by this man. Why? because if he makes one mistake hes gone. DEATH is what he gets. Like I said hes already broke the world record, no reason to come to KI

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Guest TombraiderTy

^If Wallenda made one mistake he'd be gone too. Plus Wallenda didn't set a world record, although he did break his grandfather's.

And the Matterhorn at Disneyland used to be scaled daily, something that would not have been done if it wasn't entertaining. And you honestly don't think this would be entertaining for the general public?

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^If Wallenda made one mistake he'd be gone too. Plus Wallenda didn't set a world record, although he did break his grandfather's.

And the Matterhorn at Disneyland used to be scaled daily, something that would not have been done if it wasn't entertaining. And you honestly don't think this would be entertaining for the general public?

but, the matterhorn is shaped like a mountian, and the people just look like climbers to add to the themeing. and i thought he did set the world distance record. :unsure:

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^If Wallenda made one mistake he'd be gone too. Plus Wallenda didn't set a world record, although he did break his grandfather's.

And the Matterhorn at Disneyland used to be scaled daily, something that would not have been done if it wasn't entertaining. And you honestly don't think this would be entertaining for the general public?

You got me confuse, you say "Wallenda didn't set a world record , although he did break his grandfather's" now your telling me he broke his grandfathers world record, soo that means he woulda set a new world record.

Just face it your event sucks and is not entertaining.

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I, for one, thought both were fraught with peril. Fortunately, each turned out fine...but imagine if either had not. Note that Rick's grandfather actually died on live television during a failed attempt at a tightrope walk. Now, just imagine that happening at the park in front of all the guests. I'd really rather not.

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I see what you're saying but still,the Eiffel Tower for him would be nothing compared to what he's used to so most likely he won't fall.The event is something I personally would like to see.

Theres always a good chance your gona fall when you have no safety cord. Sorry like I said this is not entertaining to me, If I would watch this I would call the police and tell someone is attempting a suicide jump. Also how bored do you have to get to just climb a building anyway? I rather go see summer on ice.

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Honestly I'm indifferent. It would be exciting. I think that the high wire walk is a whole lot more dangerous than trying to scale the Eiffel Tower. Drop zone, well thats a little different. I think some people are blowing it a little out of porportion just how bad of an idea they think it is. I hardly believe that if the park did do this you would be sitting in endless summer on ice instead of watching. It was just a thought. He wasn't trying to offend anyone. If you've got a better idea, shout it out. Serioiusly, lets all be friends :).

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Guest TombraiderTy

^I don't think John had been trying to climb the tower. Instead, from what I've read, it seems like he may have used the stairs. And at that point in time, the stairs past the 50-foot platform were a restricted area.

And if you visit his website, the Eiffel Tower would be a piece of cake for him. He's scaled structures MUCH more difficult than our tower. The chance that he'd fall is, honestly, very small. The jump and the walk probably had a higher chance of ending in disaster.

And Rumor Smasher, how are ice skaters more entertaining than someone scaling the Eiffel Tower?

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^I don't think John had been trying to climb the tower. Instead, from what I've read, it seems like he may have used the stairs. And at that point in time, the stairs past the 50-foot platform were a restricted area.

And if you visit his website, the Eiffel Tower would be a piece of cake for him. He's scaled structures MUCH more difficult than our tower. The chance that he'd fall is, honestly, very small. The jump and the walk probably had a higher chance of ending in disaster.

And Rumor Smasher, how are ice skaters more entertaining than someone scaling the Eiffel Tower?

He climbed up the girders from the 50' level. (possibly to get to the access stairs going up the remainding portion of the structure)

That aside, you can see from the posts.... Bad, Bad, Bad Idea.

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Guest TombraiderTy

I honestly don't see how it's a bad idea. This guy is a professional- John was drunk and didn't have a clue. And I've already covered my thoughts on The Interpreter's concerns. Anything else wrong with it?

And it would not be in bad taste due to the 1983 accident. Practically none of the general public even knows about it.

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Tower Johnny was not the only person who attempted to climb the tower by unauthorized access. He may have been the only one for it ended badly in a physical way, but there have been others...and for many of them it ended badly in a legal way. Climbing rides and towers is something the park really, truly does not want to encourage. They have enough problem as it is with people trying to enter the Royal Fountain. It is only in recent years the park had to erect a light curtain around it. They don't need to encourage others to climb things that are there every day. As I pointed out earlier, there is no tightrope to walk at Kings Island, nor Coke Zero trucks to jump over, other than on the day of the show.

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Tower Johnny was not the only person who attempted to climb the tower by unauthorized access. He may have been the only one for it ended badly in a physical way, but there have been others...and for many of them it ended badly in a legal way. Climbing rides and towers is something the park really, truly does not want to encourage. They have enough problem as it is with people trying to enter the Royal Fountain. It is only in recent years the park had to erect a light curtain around it. They don't need to encourage others to climb things that are there every day. As I pointed out earlier, there is no tightrope to walk at Kings Island, nor Coke Zero trucks to jump over, other than on the day of the show.

You make a good point Terpy. But I was thinking, that tower is way too dangerous. I think it need a few fences and a sign every three inches saying "Extreme Danger." That should allow us to have this kind of entertainment, without other people attempting it. Because as we all know, no one crosses a fence which says Extreme Danger. No one.

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You make a good point Terpy. But I was thinking, that tower is way too dangerous. I think it need a few fences and a sign every three inches saying "Extreme Danger." That should allow us to have this kind of entertainment, without other people attempting it. Because as we all know, no one crosses a fence which says Extreme Danger. No one.

Hold On!

Let's not lose our heads about going over fences!

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