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Zach's Disneyland/CA Aventure Report!

Ki Man

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Hey guys!

I'm sad to report I've returned from Disney. What an incredible experiance. By far my best vacation and three days spent away from home. The charm, thrills, accomodations, food, service, everything was perfect. Unfortunately, I was not able to get over to Knott's. When I called Knott's, they said the only means of transportation for me to get from Grand Cali to Knott's, was a cab. I didn't really want to make it a hassle to get from here to there by a certain time. Things were going on and dates were already made! And besides, I'm 10 minutes from Tower of Terror, Indy and Cali Screamin'...why the heck would I leave?!

Wow, where do I start?! I took hundreds of photos, over 50 minutes of video...and all these rides, hotels, pools, attractions, and stories to report!

I'm suffering a bit from jet lag at the moment, so I'll give a brief preview.

-Indiana Jones: Eye of Forbidden Temple absolutely blew me away. Holy crap. What an amazing ride! The amount of detail put into every square inch of the ride left me breathless! Best non coaster ride anywhere!

-California Screamin': I totally understand how this is similar to Maverick. Wow, what a nice coaster. A powerfull launch, insane airtime! a forcefull loop, music, and everything you would want all packed into one coaster. One of my favorite coasters now.

-Tower of Terror: Why are people saying WDW's is the 'good tower'? Or am I getting this mixed up?! This ride is freaking AWESOME! Forget Drop Tower, Giant Drop, or Demon Drop....ToT has surprise drops, S&S space shot moments, and .......JUST A SEATBELT! Best drop ride of all time!!!

Oh...and Dolewhip rocks ;)


Matterhorn...one of the most beautifully landscaped rides I've seen.


Ah, Disneyland...


The best rapids ride of all time. This is the holy grail.



That's all for now, folks ;)


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Wow!!! Sounds like you had a great time, nice pictures I would like to see more if you have time later. Sounds like the theming of the rides and shows helped you enjoy you Disney experience even more.

Every Fall during our Disney World trip we enjoy the awesome themed rides and shows and I wonder why the seasonal parks can not do a little better in the theme area. So my first trip back to KI after our trip is the hardest but still fun and we are glad we have a park within a days visit.

Again glad you have had and awesome experience and thanks for the great pictures, report.

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Disneyland and California's Adventure.

Two of my all time favorite parks, period.

I never, ever thought I'd say that before about 9 years ago. I am soooo happy that, mostly based on the insistence of a member of this board, back then I discovered the true magic that is Disney.

I look forward to the rest of your photos and experiences...and I have to get back out to California again soon. I truly love that resort. It is one of my favorite places, by far....

Thanks for the pictures, and the reminder! :)

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DL is so much better than WDW...just because of how at DL, everything is right at two parks that are neighboring each other! Everything you could want; coasters, shows, attractions, drop rides, accomodations, are RIGHT THERE!

Here we go..


I fought for the window seat....and won =)


Ohh....rare view of Pacman Island!


It's just pretty up in the sky.


Oooh...even prettier!


Beautiful entrance to the beautiful Grand Californian Hotel.


Oooh...important stuff to help us have an amazing time!


The main lobby.


The views from our room!

But it's already 12:30...and there's fun to be had! After settling down, we get some snacks and our tickets and head out to DCA! The entrance is right next to GRR and it takes less than 5 minutes to get from the room to the park....I wouldn't have it any other way the next time I come back!


There's already fun being had over at GRR!


What? A drop on a rapids ride?! Awesome!


Start alll the way up there...and end way down here.


Hm, they made a hotel after this place...it must be awesome!


Woah, now that looks fun!


Launch in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...!!!!


Speeding at 55mph down that launch track!


Duuude! Teens love it!


As well as kids and adults!


Smile! You're ad Disney's California Adventure! Oh, and watch your kids.


The Sun Wheel gives a nice, relaxing ride....


As well as giving some nice views of the rides and attractions!


I love that whole structure of Screamin'


3rd Row: "Hm...oh crap! 5 minutes until my fast pass expires!"


"G Forces...messing with my watch!"


"All this hairtime...it's getting to my eyes!"


The Zephyr i......wait, is that a couch I see? darn! That's how nice Disney is.


Two icons of DCA in one. I win.

And that's hardly the beginning!


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Great - keep it coming!

BTW at Disney World Fast Passes don't expire on the same day, you just can not go before the printed time but can go after the suggested time. They know you get caught up at dinner and so forth so the return by time is ignored. Before anyone says different, this is Disney official policy; they just put the second time to get most guests to return earlier to keep from having large crowds at the end of the day.

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Aw, was everyone that upset I didn't go to Knott's? :P

Here's more kickassery at Disney!!!


Orange train seriously rocks. And that loop is really good!


My first Intamin loop =) I liked it a lot.


Oh yeah. So Disney believes in 36 second dispatches....I do too.


It's just pretty, isn't it?


Hehehehehe.....I'm in Disneyland.


Mmm candy chorn. Yah! Look at meh, I'm a catipillar!


A bunch of kiddie rides and over-sided objects...still a cool place!


Oh, and a bunch of really pretty flowers.


See! Everything's unusually large...what's that up there?


Unusually large sign, oh.


And I sense large amount of airtime.


Oh, you can't get any prettier than that.




Enough sillyness, we have a check in time!


Yup, at the Hollywood Tower Hotel. Close enough to Hollywood...

But seriously, ToT is my favorite drop ride of all time. IMO, you just can't beat it! It's got a nice theme, great set up and Disney charm. And the ride...awesome effects and visual illusions, and the ride only has seat belts! The airtime is great, and it gives a taste of everything. Short drops, long drops, and space shot-esque launch and drops!

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(Take note all on ride pictures/videos were approved before riding)


Yay, dark ride time! I liked this one.


I think this will be our special transportation for the day.


They even offered snacks before the ride! I was content with my churro, though.


Monsters are so organized. NO STALKING, IT SAYS DON'T STALK!


Hehehe. I like these guys.


Mickey was outside! And he has a great pose, by the way.


Meeper/Beeker was showing us how this contraption works before Muppets: 3D. Great guy, great guy...


Incase you forgot what attraction we were at...


Outside, there's an AMAZING barber shop quaret performing. Just great to listen to.


GRRR! ANGRY FACE! But sweet melodies..


....don't post me on a stupid KI fan site!


Amazing wieners.


Under the bridge downtown, Is where I drew some blood. Under the bridge downtown, I could not get enough. Under the bridge downtown, forgot about my love. Under the bridge downtown, I gave my life awayayayay. (I'm in Cali, you guys better know those lyrics)


Dream of californiacationnnn....


Standing in the same spot as below, just turned around. It's so awesome how close the parks are!


So convenient...and so similar. It's been 6-7 years since I've seen WDW!


Unfortunately I didn't see the monorail much. To quote a cast member, "It's more of a distraction than attraction." But I totally get how this is meant as an attraction, not transportation.


...of course this is the first thing I do once I get into Disneyland! :lolr:


OMG! The Traveling Putt-Putt Gang! (TPPG)


Hey Walt! Thanks for this awesome place!


"Remember to wash your balls before playing..."




Splishy splashy...let's hope the new coaster doesn't get this.


No but really, Matterhorn is freaking gorgeous.


WTF just happened?


Quick dispatches for a twin coaster. And...is that Kevin James in the orange shirt and white hat?


Just plain fun!


Space Mountain freaking rocked. Enough said. We'll come back to that.


Mickey is just a get up and go guy. He does everything, man!


Dayyuuummm...that IS a nice caboose!

That's all for tonight's update, folks! Was just wide awake because I came home from a KI party. Drop Zone from 11PM to 1AM! <3333

Enjoy!!! And don't forget to leave some comments, guys. I really appreciate it.


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