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Your most scarest moment

Mr. Coastermania

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Guest rcfreak339

This can happen but very, very rarely. That is is why the train has seatbelts and not just lapbars just in case something like this does happen.

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Try Walking Down ALL the stairs of Eiffel Tower(i worked rides the year this happened I think it was 2000)

And half the guests being scared ****less of heights

but having to walk down those stairs.. RARELY ever happens

Scariest... maybe?

try walking up King Corbas *when it existed* that rail... was SO wobbly.. OMG

I feel bad for who ever has to walk down SOB's steps if they ever have lift failure.. LMAO now THOSE steps are anorexic

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Guest kwindshawne

Loma Prieta earthquake, 1989. I didn't sleep for days-and the earth below me didn't feel very safe.

Xenia tornado of 1974 runs a close second.

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Guest kwindshawne

I've seen two in my life-that was the bigger one. It's pretty-whats the word-well, you can't take your eyes off of it.

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Mine would probably be riding Drop Zone (thats what it was called at the time) for the first time. I was just barley tall enough to ride and I was so scared. It was awesome though. I can't really think of a time something went wrong at KI when I was on a ride.

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I think my most recent moment of being scared to death was on The Effiel Tower. I usually I'm not too afraid of heights. But the last I went up there there was the young boy jumping up and down. And I mean really really hard. I don't know if it was me but I thought I seen the floor bend inward. I looked between the space on the floor and realized there was nothing under it for extra support. I know the tower would never fall in, but still tto see the board bend like that. Plus it was very windy.

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When me and my friend were around six we were at KI,we were in line for Runaway Reptar and we saw that Thornberrys had opened back up so we got outta line to find our parents so we cold go ride it.They were at the exit of Reptar and we didnt know it so we were lost and I was scared outta my mind.It started to pour rain and I was starting to burst out in tears,but we went the first aid and called them.Then they came and got us and we were all right! :)

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I once went with a group to a place in Kentucky, I don't remember the name, but it was a place with a large amount of smooth rocks on the side of a large ravine. They had been formed from a large amount of water moving around a long time ago. Thats about all I know about the place, sorry I don't have a name. Anyways, you were free to do what ever you wanted anywhere in the place. The were many places where one slip meant death. No rails, no fences, no nothing to keep you alive except your own common sense. There were multiple times that day where I knew that one wrong move meant that I would fall to my death. There was one place in particular where you could look hundreds of feet down a crack between 2 rocks. It wasn't very far, but far enough that you could fall if you didn't get a good jump. I made it with plenty of distance to spare, but never the less, it was still a scary moment just knowing there is a chance you could slip. Much more exciting and scary than any coaster I've ever been on.

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