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Voyage vs. El Toro


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Between those two, El Toro (you knew I'd say that).

If I could only ride ONE existing and operating wooden coaster, The Georgia Cyclone...or Tremors...or The Georgia Cyclone...or Tremors...I'm not picky! :)

If I could only ride one existing coaster, Maverick.

If I could only ride one coaster from any time or period: The Rye Aeroplane (which Kings Island COULD have re-created...but no....we got Son of Beast...sigh)

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El Toro has a breath-takingly steep and fast lift, AMAZING airtime and is world-class glass smooth. It has the speed of Beast and then some. It is in my top twenty percent of wooden coasters....which is rather unexpected...as I adore a violent ride, strong laterals and ejector air, of which El Toro has only one of the three--the last--ejector air.

The better question is why I do not care for Voyage. My favorite coaster, by far, at Holiday World is Raven...which has strong laterals and ejector air in abundance. I love that ride.

And your question? See your post number 1...and see what I answered...I think they are the same question! :)

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I rode T-Express which actually has steeper drop than El Toro. T- Express is very similar to El Toro but longer. Voyage has almost out of control feeling. I am a junky for lateral which Voayge gives you a lot more. I prefer Voyage by long shot.

I just rode Balder Dash past week. I really was impressed by the ride. My favorite steel coaster still is Magnum XL-200. One of my LEAST favorite coaster is Georgia Cyclone (sorry Terpy).

My top 10 coaster lists

1 Voyage

2 Magnum XL200

3 Renegade

4 T-Express

5 Balder Dash

6 Ghostrider

7 X

8 Millenium Force

9 The Beast

10 Raging Bull

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The better question is why I do not care for Voyage. My favorite coaster, by far, at Holiday World is Raven...which has strong laterals and ejector air in abundance. I love that ride.

But...but...The Voyage has strong laterals and even more ejector air than Raven. Why don't you care for it? You should care for it like you would little puppies that arrive at your doorstep.

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But...but...The Voyage has strong laterals and even more ejector air than Raven. Why don't you care for it? You should care for it like you would little puppies that arrive at your doorstep.

Voyage for me, not unlike Legend or Hades, just leaves me cold... It doesn't do much of anything for me, and I just don't "get" it. I doubt I ever will. I'd rather be raven about something else in that park...just like I'd rather ride Avalanche or Cyclops once than have a season's worth of rides on Hades.

I can't explain it. What is, is. And for me, that's the way it is.

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I really, really liked Voyage. Some people actually say that Voyage is little too intense. Intamin woodies like T-Express and El Toro are much smoother rides. In my trip report, I thought T-Express may have been TOO SMOOTH for wooden coaster although I loved the airtime. I did not think Raven was as good as it was hyped. I rode that coaster 10 times. From CCI built rides, I prefer Balder Dash, SHivering Timbers and Ghostrider. Legend was not really a enjoyable ride.

If anyone has a chance to go to Korea, T-Express and Eagle Fortress are quite a treat. I never thought that suspended coaster (Eagle Fortress) can be that intense. No other suspended coaster ever came remotely close to that.

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El Toro because the supports are actually made of wood! I count Voyage as a steel coaster along with Gemini.

So, you count The Coney Island Cyclone as steel? Gemini as steel? Adventure Express as wood? Cedar Creek Mine Ride as wood? What a strange way to count coasters! Wait...Coney Island Cyclone has wood AND steel supports.

My head hurts.

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I've never been on El Toro, so I can't vote, but I am looking forward to it.

But if you've never ridden Voyage, do yourself a favor one season and drive an extra few hours outside of Kings Island to visit Holiday World and Voyage!

Voyage is insanely intense. Once it drops, there's only a minor second or two that you slow a bit at the midcourse brakes. Other than that, this coaster rages fiercely out and back. It thrashes you around, but not in a painful way whatsoever! It's fast and smooth and takes the breath out of you. I always feel exhausted when we pull into the final brakes. But it's an awesome feeling!

Here is how I describe Voyage to people: Combine a thousand hurricanes, then set of 100 nuclear warheads at the same time right in the middle, and the result would only be HALF as intense as the Voyage!

Seriously--you have to ride it to believe it. Words cannot describe, and pictures and videos don't tell the full story either.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest rcfreak339
...unless, of course, that coaster is Ninja at Six Flags Over Georgia or The Roller Coaster at New York, New York formerly known as Manhattan Express.

Ah, I've rode the Manhattan Express and let me just tell you It's not a pleasent experiance....

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