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Drexel Grandview--Oldest Columbus Area Theater--Shutting

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I only go to the Grandview Drexel when something non-mainstream I want to see isn't playing in a better theater. And, that's really unusual now that the brand new theater at Campus Gateway is managed by Landmark Theaters, the major chain of arthouse theaters...

The old cinema design is a dying breed...if I'm going to see a movie, I prefer to see it with a good sound system and stadium seating. (That's why so many old theaters have retro-fitted their spaces to add stadium seating...) Combine that with the fact that parking sucks in Grandview (the theater has no designated parking), and it explains why other theaters are doing so much better.

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I would like to see more of these theaters turn into the "Cheap seats" or discount theaters, second-run theater, what have you. I guess it just isnt profitable. It used to be that every major theater about to fall to the wrecking ball would be bought by Chakere's or Danbarry or another entity of the same.

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