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ok, well here i am writing about the thing that excites me the most. Halloween Haunt. Im going to start this discussion for anyone who wants to express how they feel, what they think, and how the overall atratctions rate to other people. do you love going to Halloween Haunt? Can you wait till friday when it starts? I know i cant, im going to get there early so i can go strait for Urgent scare. how do you think everything will go this year over all? I havent been to the halloween season for Kings Island in forever and am looking forward to it! tell me what you think about the whole topic. do you think that the houses and mazes will be as good if not better this year than last year? what is it that intrests you about Halloween Haunt?

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I'm hoping I have a better time going through CarnEvil this year. Last year my experience was very calm and quite lame. Only two people attempted to scare me. Other than that all the other haunts I though were great. The standout for me was Death Row and Club Blood. We ran into some people who were very dedicated to thier jobs in these haunts.

On a second note I think that more of the haunts need dedicated line walkers like Trail of Terror. This may help cut down on all of the cutting in line. I will say that it was extremely terrible especially for the fearzones. They'll never be able to stop cutting in line completely, but even a decline would be welcome.

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I'm totally stoked to unveil Urgent Scare :D and can't wait to hear what you guys think about it! :D But some of the mazes are amping up their energy this year. Got a chance to do some rehearsal walk throughs last night, and I'm one of those stupid ppl that everyone (including me) hates that you jump at them and i go "hi how are you" and laugh at things (this is to mask the fear btw;)) but i'll admit there were a few times i got a little spooked! Even in my own attraction when i knew it was coming!!

Friday's going to be amazing. Not quite sure how croweded it'll be, but Friday will be better than saturday, as most of the kids are at the football games, and may come later after the fact (from what i've seen in years past) but it won't be nearly as crowded as saturdays. Can't wait!!!!!!!

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Urgent Scare. Please do not let me down. I KNOW THAT YOU WILL DO WELL! I can't wait to see the new maze. The same goes for everyone involved with any of the other mazes. I hope that you do extremely well, keep your energy levels high, and don't exhaust yourselves in rehearsals before the actual event. I will be going through the park on Saturday, so everyone be sure to give me the best scare that I am going to get all season, from ANY park. I KNOW YOU WILL!

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it seems to me.....the best time of the year for the park is comming up on friday :D it is gonna be great....and hopefully since its the very first night, they will all do great at scaring ppl to death. haha bad pun..oh well. but yea....LETS GET IT STARTED NOW!!!!I CANT WAIT TILL TOMORROW NIGHT!!! i also help with a haunted house at one of the elementary schools out by me each year and even though this is going to be full of gore, i can still get some ideas from effects and things like that since im in charge of special effects and music....my favorite time of year is here...cant wait what so ever!!!! :D :D :D

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I cant wait for this saturday.I'll take the kids up for the day,then after i take them home,i'll return for more fun.

Question i have is will the park still run if we get this rain they say is coming or will they shut down certain things until it is clear?

Never fails.It can forcast a perfect day right up until the day before.Somebody let me know so i can plan ahead.

Thank you.

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Gee thanks Marlfox and Bandguy, put even more pressure on us! :lol:

And StalkerChick, you're one of those people?!?! :o I developed some good lines last night to handle people like you.

Well, after all, you are going to be my 1st impression. Haunt this weekend, following a planned trip out to Young's Jersey Dairy Farms. I really want for Kings Island to be my first scare for the year. Next weekend however, it's HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS at Universal Studios, Orlando. I will be sure to state how Kings Island's Haunt compares in my point of view.

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ok well i just got back and had a wonderful time. the very first thing i did was go to urgent scare......not too bad it was pretty good. i then was going to go to trail of terror but saw that it didnt open till 8 so i went and rode Flight of Fear. after that i went over to Action Zone and did club blood...great house! after i got through that, i went and rode Adventure Express then headed back over to trail of terror...longest wait of the night...about an hour and boy were my feet killing me lol. this was prolly the best thing there in my opinion. i then went and rode crypt and then got in line for tombstone territorry. that was fun. i then after that went to the grave yard..that was put well together with the actors...I then went over to carn evil. the whole haunted house itself wasnt that great but i mean come on, not too bad for using the same thing for kids during the day. the whole 3D thing was kinda neat and The Vortex thing at the end was the best part about it. after that, i think i went to corn stalkers. after that, i went and saw the ending to dead awakening...then went over to massacre mannor which was the last thing i did. the only thing i did not get to do was the construction site. but i am definately planning on going back again....over all..GREAT NIGHT AND WAS REALLY IMPRESSED! had a blast with it. and even jumped a little bit..what all do you think about the first night...im thinking about going back after work tomorrow

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