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aswome ptr


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well day started bout 8.30. we went to Vortex. walk onthan went to beast and that was a walk on. we decided to go to urgant scare. that SUCKED!!!!!!! then we went to the cemtary thingy and hwaded over to SoB. walk on. headed to trail of terror wich was pretty good. then we went to FoF. WALK ON who hooo never had that happen to me before. after that we headed to death row which i personally didnt like. work site after that wich was really funny. haha. then drop tpwer. walk on. back to The Beast. last train of the night. it was only me and my 2 friends riding it. no one else was in line. well that ends my amaing day at ki yesterday.

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First of all, HOW IS THIS A PTR when there are NO PHOTOS! Photo Trip Report!!! :wacko:

Second, you had alot of spelling mistakes.

Third, sounds like you had a good time.

I read your post first for some reason, and I was very close to calling you out for being grammar police until I read the first post. OMG! lol.

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I really don't care about small things, or when people slip up and it's a "once in a while" kind of thing. But come on! It's a little out of hand when you have to decipher a post, to know what they are talking about!

And it's not like this is the first time either...

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