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The Prestigious Design of Ferrari's Factory (and a Theme Park Connection)

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I`ll throw in some information on the Ferrari theme park. For one of my classes, I had a guest lecturer from Jack Rouse Associates, the Cincinnati firm that is designing many of the elements for the Ferrari World theme park. That article mentions the park will open next year. However, at the lecture, they mentioned it will in fact probably open in February of 2010. (The building it is housed in, is already under construction).

Another interesting tidbit, is that the park will feature a drop ride. They had to install the drop ride first, and then build the building around it. Additionally, almost the entire park will be inside for climate control. The actual drop ride, and the coasters (a dueling/racing coaster with LIM launches, and another roller coaster will be located outside. And did I mention that the park is in a flight path for an airport runway approach?

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