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Senior Trip to Washington DC


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Hello! This is my first PTR so hang tight! This was my senior class trip to Washington DC. We went 2 days after the election. It was quite fun, and first we started out in Arlington National Cemetery.



The eternal Flame


Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


We also got to see the changing of the guards so that was a really neat experience!n1422930491_30359376_9544.jpg

In front of the White House, It was quite a construction site because they were getting ready for Inauguration.


The Newseum, this was a chunk of metal that came from 9/11


View from atop the Newseum


A piece of the Berlin Wall


This is the newly opened Pentagon Memorial, it was extremely nice. You can tell they put a lot of effort into it


My absolutely favorite Memorial BY FAR! THe World War 2. My grandpa fought in this war so it meant a lot to me! It was also so beautiful!


The stars represent all of the people who died fighting for our country.


Each state had their own sign and it was split up into two different sides. n1422930491_30359417_3391.jpg

Pictures and views from the Washington monument


The end! I hope you enjoyed it!!

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Excellent pictures! Looks like you had a great time!

I have visited Washington D.C. several times (last time being the summer of 2001) and I love it. There is so much history to experience. In the future, I would love to visit that news museum, the WWII memorial, and the Pentagon memorial.

Did you use the Metro? We loved using the subway, makes getting around so much easier.

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Did you use the Metro? We loved using the subway, makes getting around so much easier.

Its was definately a fun time. We had so much planned so there was no stopping. No we didnt use the metro, instead we used a charter bus. haha. it was fun trying to stick that some places. A huge metro bus. lol. We also visited the Holocaust Museum(not allowed to take pictures), Shear Madness play, and a lot of other memorials.

Was it really busy when you were there? Because when I was there it was packed.

It was jammed pack busy, even at 11 PM at the Lincoln Memorial it was crazy busy.. School groups were everyone and then it was 2 days after the election so that also made it crazy!

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GREAT PTR i went there twice. Is the Pentagon Memorial just benches?

Pretty much. The benches are name plated to tell who died in the crash. I believe that the benches pointing away from the building were people in the building, and the benches pointing towards the buiding were the people who were in the plane that crashed. They put so much detail into the benches.. each bench had a little waterfall under it with lights in the water.

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We also visited the Holocaust Museum(not allowed to take pictures)

It is truly an emotional museum. Were you able to go to the part of the museum where you follow the journey of a Holocaust victim?

Yes. Everyone in our group had to take a different story and we all followed the journey. I also enjoyed how they had a kid part of the museum so that the kids would be able to understand it. My favorite parts of that museum was actually all of us stuffing ourselfs into the cable car to see how it smelt and felt, and then seeing all those shoes.. WOW! They have such amazing artifacts its unbelievable!

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Glad to hear you had such a great learning time and took the time to share your trip with us.

I really enjoyed it, and theres so much to do in Washington that we had no time to rest. lol. We also were let loose at the Smithsonian museums and got to choose whichever ones we wanted to go to. :) So that was fun. I went to the Air and Space, along with 2 other art museums. If you ever go to Washington, you really need to take at least a week!

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Great TR. My brother lives in Alexandria VA so I visit DC a lot. I have yet to go to the Newseum (it's way too expensive) but having seen some of your pictures of displays makes me want to go there on my next trip (which will probably be in April or May).

Did you guys go to any of the Smithsonian Museums? They are absolutely amazing, especially considering they have free admission! I went to the American History museum on my last trip there in December, but I didn't get to spend too much time there - we only had a little over an hour before they closed that night. I've been to all the museums on my various trips there, they are definitely worth the time to check out.

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Great TR. My brother lives in Alexandria VA so I visit DC a lot. I have yet to go to the Newseum (it's way too expensive) but having seen some of your pictures of displays makes me want to go there on my next trip (which will probably be in April or May).

Did you guys go to any of the Smithsonian Museums? They are absolutely amazing, especially considering they have free admission! I went to the American History museum on my last trip there in December, but I didn't get to spend too much time there - we only had a little over an hour before they closed that night. I've been to all the museums on my various trips there, they are definitely worth the time to check out.

See above about the smithsonian. And yes, the Newseum is extremely expensive.. Its costs $30 bucks for a cheeseburger at the cafe(which lucky us that was where we were stuck paying for lunch at) Haha. They have a 4-D theatre in it and i really enjoyed looking at some of the exhibits such as the Berlin Wall or going upstairs. They have a lot of rooms though that we didnt go in but which have screens of all different things such as sports news, and political!

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See above about the smithsonian. And yes, the Newseum is extremely expensive.. Its costs $30 bucks for a cheeseburger at the cafe(which lucky us that was where we were stuck paying for lunch at) Haha. They have a 4-D theatre in it and i really enjoyed looking at some of the exhibits such as the Berlin Wall or going upstairs. They have a lot of rooms though that we didnt go in but which have screens of all different things such as sports news, and political!

LOL I think you were posting that first post at the exact same time I was typing out my reply!! I can't believe the Newseum gets away with charging so much, especially in a city where most things like the Smithsonian and the memorials are all free. It's $20 just for admission!! And $30 for a cheeseburger?! That's nuts! I'd like to go eventually but I'm sure that the prices will drop as the museum gets older. It was opened in 2008, so they're still paying off the building costs. Before it moved to it's current location (it used to be in Alexandria VA and much smaller), it was free to the public.

And your mention of the charter bus made me laugh. We took a charter bus when my high school band went to Chicago for a competition and watching the bus driver navigate that thing around downtown was a riot. We managed to point it out from the top of the John Han**** building because it was the only charter bus driving in circles looking for a parking spot!!

Edit: ROFL it edited the name of the building.

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Haha. Lets say some kids only brought $50 bucks so that lunch really was taking up their money. The person eating next to me got a salad for $37 bucks... BOYYYY!! and its just a museum cafe, nothing special. Just very packed. And when theres a lot of high school students starving, they dont really care how much it costs. Lol. Yeah our bus driver was crazy and navigated that bus. haha. :) There was so many charter buses in Washington that it was hard to figure out which one was ours.. lol

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Great photos and trip report. I haven't been to Washington D.C. since 2000. The World War Two memorial looks great and the Newsmeum was one of my favorite museums, although I haven't been to the new one.

Thanks! :) One really neat thing is outside the Newseum they have newspapers from all over the world for the same day!!

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Beautiful pictures! I went to DC 13 years ago for Close-up (program in our high school). Makes me want to change my plans and go this year instead of next. :lol:

One thing I thought was neat was checking out the street signs. Where all the states are a street SOMEWHERE, it was fun looking for them. It took until the end of the week before we found Kentucky (Insert joke here???)!

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Are you sure it undefinedwas 30 dollars for a hamburger? i went on there website and it said 3 to 11 dollars for different things. unless you went to the source restaraunt which is a wolfgang puck restaraunt.

It was called wolfgang puck something. We all thought it'd be that cheap bit after getting to the front it wasn't. Then again add a drink on it. LOL. either way... Eat before you go LOL

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