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2009 Season Pass Processing Begins - April 1st


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Last year I purchased a platinum pass off the CP website and brought it to KI. This was when the website said platinum passes could be processed at any CF park regardless of the park you purchased it from. I got quite possibly the biggest runaround of my life. I am glad the websites changed their policy, because it seems like more of a hassle on both the park's and the customer's part for the park to process a pass that wasn't purchased on their site.

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I'm hoping I'll have the money to renew my pass before opening day, I don't want to be stuck in one of these huge lines!! Anyone know what it takes to get one renewed? I was planning on doing it online using last year's pass number but does that mean it still needs to be processed at the park?

Sure does. Once you get your receipt or whatever it is you have to print out, you'll need to have it "processed" to get your new card. Typical strategies include entering with your receipt and coming back out later after the line has died down and having it processed then, or waiting in a massive line.

I thought it just reused last year's card. I know people who processed their renewals in the fall kept the same card.

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Yes, but it must be processed...and if it isn't, it won't work. If you renewed last fall at the park, it was supposedly processed, but there is no real way for a customer to know if it was done properly or not. A reason so many of us are keeping our receipts, just in case. You have NO proof you have even bought a renewal, much less processed, otherwise.

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usually it's the earlier the better. Typically the first few days are a quick in-and-out but the days leading up to opening day have longer waiting periods.

Really? I would have assumed (being that this is my first off season since becoming an enthusiast) that the first days of pass processing would have long lines.

The first few days of season pass processing, when the park is not yet open, are the best days to go. As Ryan said, as the time comes closer to park opening day (April 15, 16th, 17th for example), the wait becomes a little longer, but still much better than what you can see on opening day. April 1st - 17th are definitely the days to go!

i do have a question i had an 08 pass and purchased an 09 and had it processed in 08 should it work opening day or will i have to repurchase another one :unsure:

If you purchased your 2009 pass and had it processed Fall 2008, you would not need to repurchase another 2009 pass. But as others have advised, it's always smart to bring your receipt the first time you go in 2009, just in case. If you purchased by phone or online, they should also be able to look up your order if you've misplaced your receipt.

If you renewed online, do you just need to go up to one of the Season Pass windows with your printout?

Take your printout to the season pass processing center (the glass door on the left side of the building). You typically do not need to take it to the season pass sales windows, unless you have other things to purchase or if there's a problem.

Yes it was a long line opening day last year but giving credit to Kings Island the line did keep moving.

They sure did. And with their new ability to use the prior year's picture (which works most of the time, however we had to have our pictures retaken for 2009 because for some reason it didn't work for us last fall) the process is quicker than it was in the early part of the decade. Believe me, the ability to use pictures from the prior year was on management's wish list for a long, long, long time...

Oh wow. I hope I'm not working season pass processing opening day.

Don't worry too much about that. Take it from someone who worked many an opening day, and many of those in Season Pass Processing... it just makes the day go quicker when you're busy! Don't think about how long the line is (if you're working inside processing, you won't be able to see a majority of the line anyway). Just make sure you're working as accurately and quickly as possible (but not so quickly that you start making mistakes!). Park guests pay a lot of money for passes, and should expect and receive great customer service.

It seemed the line for SPP was longer than most of the lines for the rides that day!

I'm pretty sure it was. And I guess the people also didn't realize they could procrastinate more because a season pass is good for one time admission with the bar code. So technically you could enter and then come back later when the line is shorter.

A word of warning though: don't just assume that you can get in without having your season pass processed first. Most of the time you will need to get it processed before entering the park. Historically the only exception to this is when the season pass processing line has reached a certain length, and management has made the exception to allow people into the park on unprocessed passes. When this happens, they will typically send a couple associates out to the end of the line to tell people that they can do so. It's always smart to check first, that way you can avoid having to go through the metal detector lines, going to the turnstiles, getting turned away, then having to go to processing and going through metal detectors again!

I'm hoping I'll have the money to renew my pass before opening day, I don't want to be stuck in one of these huge lines!! Anyone know what it takes to get one renewed? I was planning on doing it online using last year's pass number but does that mean it still needs to be processed at the park?

Yes, when you order online you are able to print your season pass certificates. You will need to take these to the processing center. If you also bring your 2008 passes with you, they may be able to just transfer your data onto your new 2009 card. There is a chance that you may have to have your pictures retaken though.

Closing remarks: If you did not get your 2009 pass processed in the fall, the best times to do it are these days that they have available before the park opens, April 1st - April 17th. The absolute worst times are opening day, plus the two weekends prior to any season pass price point increase. Those times will have the longest processing waits.

Also, as others and I have said, it's not a bad idea to bring your receipt to the park on your first visit, even if you did have your '09 passes processed in the fall of '08. I know I'll be bringing my email confirmation of my order with me on 4/18, since it will be the first time our '09 passes will be scanned at the gate.

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^^Isn't it true....

...for the peeps (such as myself) who renewed their 08 PP for the 09 season that a major "test" of the renewal will be how successful things go when your pass is scanned for parking??

If my renewed 08 PP successfully scans for parking on the 18th then I will definitely feel a lot more optimistic (not that I am not already, but still).

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I'm hoping I'll have the money to renew my pass before opening day, I don't want to be stuck in one of these huge lines!! Anyone know what it takes to get one renewed? I was planning on doing it online using last year's pass number but does that mean it still needs to be processed at the park?

Sure does. Once you get your receipt or whatever it is you have to print out, you'll need to have it "processed" to get your new card. Typical strategies include entering with your receipt and coming back out later after the line has died down and having it processed then, or waiting in a massive line.

I thought it just reused last year's card. I know people who processed their renewals in the fall kept the same card.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. We had Platinum passes last year and only got Gold this year so we had to have new cards. My mistake.

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Do you guys have Value-VIP-Platinum like we do?

We have Gold available early in the season (usually through late May, I think last year the cutoff date was May 25) and then a regular pass the rest of the season, and platinum. Gold gives you some extra perks (same as Platinum) and I know last year it gave you free parking. Platinum is the same chain-wide, gives you free admission and parking to all parks and perks at each park.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I thought it just reused last year's card. I know people who processed their renewals in the fall kept the same card.

Yes, but it must be processed...and if it isn't, it won't work. If you renewed last fall at the park, it was supposedly processed, but there is no real way for a customer to know if it was done properly or not. A reason so many of us are keeping our receipts, just in case. You have NO proof you have even bought a renewal, much less processed, otherwise.

I just spoke with a park representative about this situation and here's what they had to say:

Anyone who had a 2008 Platinum Pass and renewed in person at the park for 2009 should be (and have been) processed. I verified this using my own PP number and having the representative verify that this pass is paid up, already processed and ready to go. You will not need to get new card issued to you and your existing card should work the first time it's presented at the park.

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This was just announced on CP's website:


NEW REDEMPTION POLICY: If you're a Platinum Passholder and will be visiting a park that opens before Cedar Point's Season Pass Center, you may process your Platinum Pass at that park. However, we encourage you, if possible, to process your Platinum Pass at the original park of purchase.

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Hey, i have a big concern and was wandering if anyone could give me some feedback. I bought my pass at Meijer back in january (when i had the extra cash to get it) and when i went, the rack that displays the passes was kind of hidden from view (suspicious) and i actually had to ask a represenative where it was. Now here is my concern, i recently went to Meijer to see if the prices were different but the rack was gone, when i asked where it was, the lady told me that they no longer sell Kings Island passes and they probably wont anymore in the future. I am just kind of worried about my pass, i kept the recept just in case, but this is just bugging me :unsure:

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I know this was already posted but here it is again in the Kings Island Insider.

Kings Island Insider:

You can process your 2009 Platinum Pass at any Cedar Fair park. If you plan to visit Kings Island on Opening Day (April 18), we encourage you to process your pass early! The Kings Island Season Pass Processing Center will be open starting April 1 thorugh Opening Day:

Monday - Friday: 4pm - 8pm

Saturday - Sunday: 10am - 6pm

Beat the long lines in the spring and process early!

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