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Posting Park E-mails

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I replied to this post in the DB construction thread originally but figured it would be more appropriate out here:

People -

If you exchange emails with the park please do not post them on the forums. Let's show a little respect. Emails are between two people, not between one person and the entire world. Posts containing emails from the park will be deleted.



Hey Ryan, I understand you wanting to keep personal e-mails from being posted on here, but wouldn't it be beneficial to the park and Don Helbig if he makes an announcement in an e-mail to post it here in hopes of preventing others from asking the same thing?

For instance when members were wondering on here when testing would be or if they were testing on a certain day, someone sent him an e-mail and he answered. That member posted the answer on here which most likely stopped a lot of people from doing the same thing and e-mail spamming him with the same question.

I mean, his answers from 1 person about the park are pretty much going to be universal for the entire world. If 100 people send him the same question, they're going to get the same answer. If 1 person e-mails him, posts it and those remaining 99 people see it; that's 99 e-mails he won't have to answer individually.

But then, he's paid to do that so I understand that part and it's your site so it's your rules. I just wanted to give my 2 nickels.


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If the park has objections to a member posting here an email received by the park, why would it be appropriate for the park to post here the email it received? The answer, perhaps the answer, but not the email from the questioner (unless it wsa submitted on the express terms that it may be disclosed)....

Besides, the park has a blog, wouldn't that be a more appropriate place for LOTS of people to see the answers....I remember how thrilled members here were when Don was answering emailed questions on the Diamondback website.

Strictly speaking, emails belong to the recipient, who can do whatever they wish with them in most jurisdictions....that being said, when the park/Don has asked that something not be done, those wishes should be honored...A good relationship can quickly end by those who do what they have the power to do, but have been asked not to.

Perhaps more importantly, the site here has made it clear that posting emails from the park is NOT permissible. That being said, remember too the TOS rule that says you cannot say something is confirmed without naming your source. It would seem this email rule also needs to go into the TOS if it is to remain. People come and leave the site continually.

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