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Future Expansion


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Thing is I would not mind the heterogeneous aspects of the park over the last several years if there was a master plan of direction versus the hodge-podge placement of attractions and food shops.

I would think if they were to go the route to say that the park was no longer a "theme park" and just an old fashioned amusement park, then the "hodge-podge" wouldn't be so bad. But since KI is still officially labeled a theme park with themed areas, yeah, they should do their best to make the buildings, rides, and restaurants reflect the themed area that they occupy.

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They should make Coney Mall back into an old styled midway. Think about eating cotton candy on the top of The Racer lift...

a. think about sticky, gooey cotton candy all over the ride surfaces,

b. think about eating not being allowed on the rides, especially after what looked to be a gum incident on Raging Bull some years back (turns out food did not cause the problem),

c. think about loose articles, including cotton candy, not being allowed on the rides,

d. just imagine what that cotton candy would cost...certainly not the 25 cents Cedar Fair tried in many parks in 2006...

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Yea, i did like the idea of making Festhaus part of International Street. Festhaus has went from a German themed entertainmet building/food court to a soup of multiple nationalities. If the park were to do this, then i think it would be a wonderfull thing to rise some peoples thoughts on the park by restoring some of the theming. Speaking of all of this, i do have some hope in Cedar Fair when it comes to theming, just look where Diamondback is located. ;)

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^Adding to what i had just said, that is one of the things that i liked about Paramount and Viacom, although they did seem to let the park go in multiple things, they did actually label and think of KI as an actual THEME PARK even though they were not very good in terms of ride placement either half the time. Cedar Fair looks at KI as an AMUSEMENT PARK when they describe it which really aggrivates me. Sure, they label Knotts as a theme park but wow, KI is like twice the size with some even more themed areas. Now that people have mentioned it, i hope that before future expansion takes place, the park at least tries to attempt to renew some of the theming. In my honest opinion, i believe that Oktoberfest should be renamed to something such as Adventure Zone if they are not going to keep up the theming.

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They should make Coney Mall back into an old styled midway. Think about eating cotton candy on the top of The Racer lift...

a. think about sticky, gooey cotton candy all over the ride surfaces,

b. think about eating not being allowed on the rides, especially after what looked to be a gum incident on Raging Bull some years back (turns out food did not cause the problem),

c. think about loose articles, including cotton candy, not being allowed on the rides,

d. just imagine what that cotton candy would cost...certainly not the 25 cents Cedar Fair tried in many parks in 2006...

What Raging Bull incident?

*Moving to NYC in two months from today!

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Like I said in the shows thread, I just wish the Festhaus could be more like the one at BGW. Having a traditional German Polka band with dancers performing would realy bring life to the building. I would also like to see some tlc shown to the building and just freshen its apperance up so its not so dark.
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Like I said in the shows thread, I just wish the Festhaus could be more like the one at BGW. Having a traditional German Polka band with dancers performing would realy bring life to the building. I would also like to see some tlc shown to the building and just freshen its apperance up so its not so dark.

Great idea RailRider. Eating kielbasa and sauerkraut and listening to "Roll out the Barrel" by a live polka band sounds like winner. The Festhaus would then be a great place to take an afternoon break.

Bring back the Bavarian Beetle!!

Does a Tilt-a-Whirl ride in the park sound like a thought?

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Like I said in the shows thread, I just wish the Festhaus could be more like the one at BGW. Having a traditional German Polka band with dancers performing would realy bring life to the building. I would also like to see some tlc shown to the building and just freshen its apperance up so its not so dark.

Great idea RailRider. Eating kielbasa and sauerkraut and listening to "Roll out the Barrel" by a live polka band sounds like winner. The Festhaus would then be a great place to take an afternoon break.

Bring back the Bavarian Beetle!!

Does a Tilt-a-Whirl ride in the park sound like a thought?

Love the idea of some classic flats returning to the park. Especially in the Coney Mall section. Also a must would be full light packages, could you imagine how that midway could look in the evenings when the lights come on? Absolutely amazing.

Some of the rides I would like to see show up, just a sampling of classics and some new flats that could be placed throughout Coney Mall and even Oktoberfest.

Tilt-a-Whirl, Tea Cups, Giant Wheel, Jump, Aviator/Barnstormer, Chaos, Flying Scooters, Enterprise, Breakdance and a Magic Carpet/Rainbow.

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Paramount should be credited with the re-furbishment of the Festhaus, not Cedar Fair. As a matter of fact, that stained glass window was uncovered for Winterfest.


True that, but it was Cedar Fair who turned the lights on almost enough that you can see, took down the movie screens, and re-exposed the stage.

Terpy, who is more than quick to give Paramount credit when it is due, but Paramount and its progeny seemed to love the dungeon look...then again, if I served the food they did in the Festhaus, I'd not want people to get a good look at it, either! :)

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