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Ghosts at Kings Island, FREAKY!


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Has Anyone seen any scary appearances Last year? I have!!!! Last year I was on The Racer in the back right seat on the blue racer. all of a sudden we stop, almost to the top of the lift hill. About three trains pass us and I deside I will look behind too see if anybody was coming. So i turn around to see a little Boy around eight or nine in white pajamas(looked to be). He starts climbing up the lift hill, on the sides of course, and I was very curious. As he gets about halfway up, he almost seems to start disappearing, and as a matter of fact he was! He was walking level up the stairs, slowly dissapearing untill he disappears just as he gets to our car. Then I realize I was Hyper-ventalating and saying my friends name. Then the employees come up and are about to push start it and they ask,''why is your friend so freaked out? Ya see a ghost? hahahah'' It took me a couple seconds for me to explain to them I had! :blink: Then they asked if he was wearing white and was young, Breathless i told them yes. ''You saw racerboy! how did it feel!'' Well here is an answer now! NOT GOOD!!!

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Thanks, but I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Pluss All the stories about tower johnny are fake, except the one were he haunts peaple on the Eiffel Tower

And how do you know that? I for one, along with a bunch of other people have had experiences(sp?) with him.

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