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Flight of Fear Preride Video


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I doubt you'll find it on the internet, though I'd be very happy for someone to prove me wrong on that.

They only play it on days the line is long. So if you really want to watch it, go on a hot, busy day when FOF's line is long, and you'll see it. It was running most Saturdays at Haunt from what I saw, but any time the park was cleared out, it was off.

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Rob Pottorf was the senior music composer for Paramount Parks for a number of years. He has scored numerous television shows and movie scores as well. At Kings Island, he was responsible for the audio on Flight of Fear as well as on the original Tomb Raider: The Ride. His site is rpmusic.com.

And if you go to http://www.rpmusic.com/wimpy_filmcues/myWimpy.html and select the upper right corner movie for Flight of Fear you will see a brief clip (several minutes long) of the FoF preshow video. This video is prior to the removal of the Outer Limits tie in. Additionally, you can see the Tomb Raider preshow video in that same menu.

I hope that helped answer your question!

Generally the video is played, at least the times I rode Flight of Fear. If the line is not outside of the saucer, then there really is no need to play the preshow video.

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