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Kings Island children rides why they are not all running


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Well it appears the one area of the park that is often overlooked is the childrens area. Well last year we attended a lot and we took our young children of course. And early in the day when we entered the childrens area we and many and I mean many others that only 1 ride was running???? What they were doing was rotating one operator from ride to ride at a time. And there were many kids waiting, they would have to wait untill all the kids got through the lune untill they moved on to the next ride.

Sure times are hard but what imsge does this project? We actually followed another couple up to guest telations wondering why? She was furious as she has a very small child and the majority of tje kids in kid world did not want to ride the swings, boats or other very young person rides. I mean she paid equally to enter the park. She took thetime to travel to the park. She chose KingsIsland. i really hope this practice is stopped as it really looks bad. And thats also the childs first impression and memory of Kings Island. And i remember memories of Kings Island when little i would hate for it to be one of not being sllowed to ride.

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i am not sure when you were there and they were doing this but i have only seen it early in the season and while talking to a ride op they said it was because most of the workers were still in school so they had no way to open all the rides. he also told me once the schools were out for the day they would have the ability to open the rest of the rides. but that is just my experience and the reasoning i was told

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And I highly doubt that just one of the kiddy rides was open. There are days in the pre and post season when a lot of the ride ops are high school students or college students and have classes during weekdays and cannot make it to work until their school is out.

I know at Coney last year, we had several weekends in August when we were short staffed and had two people running four kiddy rides, rotating between the two but only on very dire situations did we only have one person. Sometimes even though we had enough people on the schedule to cover all the rides, people either called in or simply didn`t show up, which put us in a bind to cover all the rides and provide breaks to all the workers.

Hopefully, with the surge in job applications at amusement parks, there will not be such a shortage of workers at amusement parks this year.

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No in reality scooby was open and avatar that was it on this day, reptaur was down, and they rotated the others it was early in the season as we were wearing coats, but this actually did take place. We walked along side this rather furious mother as we were going up there to check on upgrading our tix to platinum. Amd we were curious as well. Botyom line rotation is a common practice at smaller amusement parks but should not be a standard operating procedure at a showcase theme park EVER at any point school or not. To play in the world class theme park arena these inconviences are really innappropriate period. My 2 cents.

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