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Looking for Touring Plan


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Hello all, I am new to this forum so please be kind to a poor noob.

I am a bit of an Uber Planner. We just did spring break at WDW for 9 days with waits of under 15 minutes for everything. Now that we are back I am needing to get a coaster fix so we have just decided to get Platinum passes for Cedar Fair. I live just north of Columbus and love both KI and CP but have not been in a couple of years.

When we were at WDW we had a touring plan that was responsible for the low wait times. Is there any Touring Plan available for KI? I think I have gotten spoiled by the short waits at WDW and don't know if I could handle 60 min or more that I remember from past visits to KI & CP.

Any suggestions would be great.

Does KI have anything like Fastpasses at WDW?



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No, Kings Island does not offer any fast passes like Walt Disney World. However, Gold and Platinum Kings Island pass holders do get early ride time on Diamondback and The Beast every operating day of the season. The early ride times are 9:30-10 on weekdays and Sundays and 9-10 on Saturdays. Check out KI`s Gold Pass perks at the following link for even more pass holder perks: http://www.visitkingsisland.com/events/events.cfm?ec_id=27

What exactly do you mean by touring plan? Like suggested areas to start out the day and when to hit key attractions? Well, try (if you can) to hit the park on weekdays, towards the middle of the week. These are usually the least busy. Also, Diamondback will likely have the longest wait times of the day, and most people will likely head there first. It might be wise to instead head to Firehawk and Flight of Fear first, and then to head to the Action Zone and get rides in on Drop Tower, and Invertigo before heading over to Rivertown to ride The Beast and Diamondback. By then, some of the initial rush for Diamondback should have died down.

Don`t forget that Kings Island has several live shows as well. While they are not on the same caliber as Disney`s shows, they are entertaining and often overlooked by most coaster enthusiasts.

Most of all, take time and enjoy yourselves while at the park. It is a nice park, and the addition of Diamondback and the sprucing up of Rivertown really makes that area of the park look fabulous and adds yet another awesome thrill ride to the park.

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  CoastersRZ said:
What exactly do you mean by touring plan? Like suggested areas to start out the day and when to hit key attractions?

Yes this is exactly what I mean. This was our plan for Animal Kingdom on March 22.


There is even software for WDW called RideMax where you select what time you want to start, what rides you want to do, shows you want to see, where and when you want to eat and when you want to leave. Then it goes to his server and makes an optimized plan with the shortest wait and walking times. While I know that there is nothing like this for KI. I was hoping for something more like what touringplans.com has for WDW. I see that there was a Unofficial guide to PKI but from what I saw, it looked rather out of date.

Again, Thanks

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Dave, I too dislike lines and go to Disney world every year with a basic plan, I use the Tour Guide Mike System which teaches us how to make plans that fit us, which i use to help me plan a trip to Kings Island and other amusement parks. Since you will not be going till next Sunday I will PM you with a plan that I would follow as a basic guide. BTW Welcome to KICentral!!!!

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  Avatar said:
Dave, I too dislike lines and go to Disney world every year with a basic plan, I use the Tour Guide Mike System which teaches us how to make plans that fit us, which i use to help me plan a trip to Kings Island and other amusement parks. Since you will not be going till next Sunday I will PM you with a plan that I would follow as a basic guide. BTW Welcome to KICentral!!!!

Thanks Avatar, I look forward to hearing from you.


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