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A Smurfy Opening Day


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I think I'm going to be the first trip report today because I didn't really stick around to do much after going to the park. I have a few images I grabbed while at the park this morning; but they're a little blurred since there was/is apparently a smudge on the lense that I need to get cleared up. For a little background, I was at the park with my fiance Laura and our friend Scott.

Anyway, on to the report.

First off, we were set to head out from Kettering at 6 AM this morning so that we could get to the park by 7 with some breakfast in tow. We stopped at BK on the way for some shots and before we knew it, we were in the parking lot. I glanced over at the entrance area and saw a loooooong line over to the left heading out toward the parking lot. I figured that was the pass processing line. I thought, "You poor passless people". Then as we approached, I noticed that the line didn't go toward the processing door, but wound up to the gate. Oooooh crap. I asked the people at the end of the line what it was for and they said sadly; this is the line to get in for Gold members. Double crap.

So we're waiting here...here's a pic of part of the line:


...and we're in this line for a good 10-15 minutes then we hear a lot of shouting and notice that up toward the gate, the line is exploding in all directions toward different metal detectors. Then I hear people shouting "They're letting us in!" and an impromptu "running of the bulls" commerces. This is all around 7:20 mind you. So we kind of go with the flow and walk calmly amoung all of these raving peeps and get in one of the new lines that has formed in front of the metal detectors. At this point nobody is sure where Gold members are going or who's doing what where. All we know is that if you have an auction pass, you're getting in, but everyone else is clueless out front.

Here's a pic of the crowd that formed after the long line evaporated:


So at this point we're all just assuming that there's no plan at this point and once they let us in at 8, we'll be confidently guided to the area where ERT people will be placed. Oooooh no. At 8, the anarchy began. People started going through the detectors then sprinting to the ticket booths to get tickets/passes scanned and then the mad rush began to...well...we weren't sure. Laura, Scott and I got out to the fountains and started following the crowd and at the first turn into Nick U (by Scooby's House) there was a large crowd gathered already. So we followed suit and joined in. Nobody in that crowd was sure if this was the right place, or if it was better to go down by Starbucks.

We're hanging out in this confused mob and I kept looking back and seeing people look at our crowd then point on toward the Tower and keep going up International Street. So I was like, "Let's go see if maybe that's where we should go" because at this point there was nobody directing the masses, no signs; nothing to let people know where to line up. No sooner had we made it around the corner back onto International Street when I see a big crowd of people come running from the direction of Starbucks toward us, so I was like, "Okay, nevermind, apparently they found something out!" So we rushed back to our original mob and tried to get comfy. Some of the people who ran back to our area said they were told that next to Scooby's Haunted Castle was where they would be doing the ERT Entrance.

FINALLY, we had a direction, though it was through a 3rd party.

The crowd at this point got pretty massive.

Here it is from the front:


And here it was behind us:


Did Smurfy and friends ever get in? Were they really in the right line? Can he type anymore?

Find out in a moment.

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....so yeah, eventually a nice guy with a megaphone came up and let us know that we were in the right place for Gold ERT and that "around 9" we would be lead back to DB. So thankfully, we weren't as confused anymore. So we hung out there for a good 40 minutes and then the mob began to make its move. We were told to have gold passes out , but by the time we got up to the area they were funneling us through, they weren't really even looking at passes anymore. I think they were just making sure people didn't

a.) run

b.) get killed

Once we got out of the mob and into Nick U. we moved on toward the ultimate destination and oh was it grand. They lined us outside of the queue at first and then let a large string of us in. We 3 made the first cut by about 20 people.

Here's a pic of the line once we joined it:


After a lot of turning through the stiles, the line officially stopped in the queue, but really, that sucker was moving. The trains were just cooking out of that station which made the line very nice. I didn't think to time it until we got to the soda machines and from there it took abount 17 minutes until we were up in the station. It was a pretty nice system they had going.

Here's a couple pics I got while waiting in line:



One thing I noticed while in line was this other line of people across the way on the other side of the splash down area by The Beast who were lined up, but they weren't lined up for The Beast...oh no. More on that later.

Then came the moment of truth. Oh my god, that ride is amazing. First off, the seats are nice and comfy. The hill is fast, but not so fast that you don't have time to look around and admire the view. The ride itself is pure power. I would say it's a lot like MF at Cedar Point except that it has all of the Force that MF is lacking. Every hill, I mean EVERY hill is full of airtime. It's not just nice floaty air time, it's "pull you down the hill and toss you out of the seat" air. We were in row 14 and it was great. Even after the mid course, the train just tugged me down that drop and out of my seat. It's pure airtime bliss. And smooth? Oh so smooth. I didn't want it to end. But it ultimately did.

I tell you, this is the king of the park now.

So afterwards, we stumbled out to the photo/gift shop and collected our free shirts. The photo area was very congested. I hope it's just a result of today and not normally like that. We got into the shop and looked at some of the merch. I noticed they had a lot of those Beast models there and I still wasn't impressed enough by them in person to shell out $25. Then I saw they had some Diamondback ones as well. They were cool except for the fact that they seats were all in straight 4-person rows across like a typical B&M and not in the actual formation. So I passed on it as well.

So we walked out and took a left to head to the Crypt/Beast area and right by the basketball game we see the end of a line. Holy crap, I thought. That can't be the line to DB. Yes...yes it was. The employee there said that they weren't sure of the time it would take from that point but they were estimating somewhere around 6 hours. So this line started by the basketball game/Potato Works stand, passed the Crypt and The Beast, went up the path that was closed last year, by the Tower and the International Showplace, into Nick U and to DB. It was crazy long. Craaaaazy long.

While we were in the area, I got a pic of my fiance with a splash in the background:


Then we saw that The Crypt looked like short line so we headed in. We stood around in there for a good 20 minutes, wondering if it was even really open yet, when they said it was having technical issues. So they let us out through an employee exit. While over there, I got a few more DB snaps:




To be continued....

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...Oh yeah, I forgot....CYBORG MONKEYS!!!!


We went over to check out the new Beast Entrance area (The Beast line looked kind of long, so we didn't ride.) I got a few MORE snaps of DB:


It's just so pretty...here's the final helix:


Then we wandered out to Coney Mall and yeah, the 180 Dome Theater is gone. Nothing had a really long line at this point (it being around 11) but we were pretty much there just for DB and maybe a walk on for something. So we went and did some bumping:


Good times.

I then went over to the ring toss game (you know the one with the glass bottle and the little rings) and I asked if anyone had won yet, and they said that nobody had played yet. So I handed over $5 and am officially the first Ring Toss player of the 2009 season! I intended to be the first winner of 2009, but ended up being the first loser. Meh. Sad face. Oh well, it was fun.

We then checked out a few shops, and got a photo for the Tower:


I noticed that the shops on internal Street had 50% off all Nick stuff. Are the rumors true that they're slowly getting rid of that theme? I'm not sayin', but I'm just sayin'.

Anyway, we decided we'd done what we'd set out to do so we were going to leave to face DB and the rest of the rides another day. On the way out we came across some really tall jugglers:


And a really long snake:


So that was our day. Diamondback was beyond awesome. The day was very pretty. I noticed some problems here and there, like where are all the benches? Seemed like we couldn't find a bench anywhere. Not that we needed one, but the walking areas seemed a little empty. Could be that they're still in the process of getting everything out, but just an observation.

Also, I hope they have a plan for future ERT. I mean, put up a sign. Get someone with a megaphone out there earlier. Do something! That was really confusing this morning.

Okay...that's it.



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We were just in front of you in line (right ahead of the lady sitting in the chair in your first picture). Wow, what a cluster before opening eh? I'm really thankful we didn't lose any time by navigating between the different roped off areas along International Street!

Great photos, particularly of that first hill drop. We also rode in the back (last row) and I was really impressed with the ride. Having said that, I think this is definitely a front seat ride and I can't wait to test that out this coming Friday.

Thanks for posting your report!

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In your first post, the very last picture of the crowd. I am in your picture. lol Im in the bottom right hand corner with a blue bow in my hair and sun glasses! to cool :) nice tr!!

Oh yeah, I see you. Pretty crazy how close a lot of us were there and didn't know it. It was really confusing where we needed to go yesterday morning.

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We were just in front of you in line (right ahead of the lady sitting in the chair in your first picture).

I probably walked by you at one point. I had a drink with me and walked back to a trash can to throw it away (at that point the line was even longer behind us) and my fiance and buddy Scott thought it would be funny if they switched places and turned their backs to me as I was looking for them when I came back. So I walked waaaay past where they were and probably past where you were and I was like, "What the what? Where did they go?!" I turned around and saw them a ways back laughing at me. And I'm expected to marry this woman? Sheesh!

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Smurf....your trip reports are always so entertaining. Thanks for posting that! We were in line a little bit behind you in that massive gold pass horde. That was so crazy. I really REALLY hope they organize it better if they continue to do ERT like that in the future. Especially since the "checking" of the gold passes consisted of everyone running past the lady with said GPs clutched in their hands. Glad you guys had fun!


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Thanks Ashers. Yeah, I guess we'll find out from those that go this Friday and Saturday if anything has changed. It was a real mess trying to figure out which crowd was the right crowd to be in for a while there.

It was kind of funny while in that crowd by Scooby's; we were packed in like sardines, but then every once in a while there would be this big rush of people moving forward. I was like, "How did this space just open up? Did someone just collapse up there or something? Are we trampling people?!"

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Thanks Ashers. Yeah, I guess we'll find out from those that go this Friday and Saturday if anything has changed. It was a real mess trying to figure out which crowd was the right crowd to be in for a while there.

It was kind of funny while in that crowd by Scooby's; we were packed in like sardines, but then every once in a while there would be this big rush of people moving forward. I was like, "How did this space just open up? Did someone just collapse up there or something? Are we trampling people?!"

I know we noticed that too! The question is...would I have even noticed if I was trampling someone at that point?!?! Hmmm. :D


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