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Kings Island 05/03/09... Very fun


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Soo i was off to Kings Island at about 2 PM. We didnt get on much but it was a lot of fun none-the-less. First we rode Flight Deck, Monster and then Adventure Express. After that we checked the times for the country show and since we had 10 minutes, decided to go on viking fury. After the Down Home Country show, we met up with a friend, Robert and rode EXtreme Skyflyer with him (although after getting off the ground side 2 broke and we were stuck for 30 minutes on the lift before we went to side 1). Then we went back to the Festhaus to get somethhing to eat. After that we rode Drop Tower and then I rode Slingshot with him. Then we went to FOF, which was shut down and so then we decided to ride Firehawk. They definately need to get the other train going, that was the longest line of 45 minutes. After Firehawk, FOF was open so we decided to go ride that. We thought we had more time, but after FOF we had 4 minutes to get to Diamondback before the park closed, which unfortunatelly after running didnt happen so we rested before we went home.

I was actually scared to death of all three: Slingshot, skyflyer and Drop Zone but i really did enjoy them in the end.. Heres some pictures of skyflyer.





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I rode KI's Sky Coaster (Xtreme Sky Flier) for the first time last Saturday around Noon. It was great, and probably the best ride experience I've ever had on a Sky Coaster. Sounds like you had a pretty descent day minus not getting to Diamondback on time.

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i have ran from The Beast to Son of Beast with 6 minutes to go, i was tired, got the last train of the night in the front seat!

Son of Beast is a lot more leanient with when they close. I remember last week I got on and it was after 10 with no line. We just went straight from Flight Deck to Son of Beast..

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I walked on The Beast last night at about 5 til eight, we made our lap and should've been the second to last train, but when we got back they let us go again...that was the last roller coaster I will ride as a teenager...I'm getting old...

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